Reader comment on: Obama Falters Over Illegal Immigrants
Submitted by James Driscoll, Dec 9, 2007 13:16

Obama likes Mexican and Central American immigrants so much better than African immigrants that he supports practices and policies that allow Mexico and CAm with 2% of the worlds' population to provide 66+% of America's total immigrants legal and otherwise. While Africa with 10 % of the world's population and far worse poverty and persecution (Darfur et al) gets a mere 2% of America's total immigration slots. If such racial disparities existed in jobs, housing, schools etc anywhere in America they would be rightly denounced as the evidence of racist policies and successfully challenged in the courts and in the streets with demonstrations. But when it comes to immigrants, Obama prefers them brown and wants to forget the blacks and all the rest. Why? -- the answer is politics. He is willing to forget fairness, all men are created equal, the struggle against racial bias etc to indulge in favoritism toward Mexicans and Central Americans because he's convinced that this subtle form of racism buys votes. Obviously, Obama believes that giving all potential immigrants a fair and equal chance at US citizenship regardless of their race or country of origin buys zero votes. Obama, who is half Kenyan, ignores the injustice of giving Mexicans huge advantages over Kenyans and other Africans and Asians who might want to immigrate here. This betrays where his deepest loyalties lie, not to justice and equality for other blacks, indeed for all, but to his own political ambitions. If his true commitment were to justice and equality he would want all potential immigrants to be able to compete fairly for limited US immigration slots on the basis of colorblind criteria such as marketable skills, education, knowledge of English, commitment to become Americans, and demonstrable hardships such as persecution in their homelands. On immigration Obama is the biggest sham of them all.
