Fulcrum Logic - The Insurgency's Next Target
tunnel rat posted on March 21, 2010 13:31

Last month, I blogged about another Desi bodyshop, Fulcrum Logic that ran an illegal "H-1B only" ad. BTW, that ****in' ad is still online.

At the time, I placed a call to Fulcrum Logic, wanting to apply for this position. They asked me if I was an H-1B, and I said no, I am a U.S. citizen. They hung up.

So, for the second time in recent history, I filed a charge form with the DOJ Civil Rights Division. It is very easy to do, and I encourage all Insurgents to do so whenever they encounter the slightest bit of nepotism, bigotry, or outright discrimination from the Indian outsourcing regime. You can get the form here.

I think every American should file this easy-to-use form whenever they get to an interview and have to answer questions from a crew of Indians, with not a single cracker in sight. They should also do this if they are displaced during some ethnic cleansing operation, like an outsourcing initiative.