This web page has some good info and links to action.

Swift Raids Open Up Jobs for Americans

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents recently conducted a series of raids on Swift & Company's meat packing plants across the country. About 1,300 illegal aliens were arrested, many of whom are suspected of stealing the identities and Social Security numbers of American workers. The raids are important because they show that: Americans take the jobs illegal aliens leave behind; identity fraud and illegal immigration are connected; and Attrition through Enforcement works.

The Swift raids are a good start, but one day of raids will not solve the illegal immigration crisis. Constant pressure must be placed on illegal aliens and their employers. Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff and Assistant Secretary Julie Myers have gone on record as saying they will continue to enforce work eligibility laws and take additional actions to track down illegal aliens who are guilty of identity theft. NumbersUSA asks you to help make this happen. CLICK HERE to send free faxes to applaud the raids and ask for revisions of Social Security rules to protect Americans from ID theft by illegal aliens.

Right now, most of the reaction to the raids in the media is coming from immigration lawyers, illegal-alien organizations and religious leaders who say it is inhumane to arrest people just because they have broken immigration laws and stolen identities in order to get a job. It is extremely important that Congress hears that public sentiment is overwhelmingly on the side of enforcement and raids such as these.
