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I politely stopped by your website after being notified that several false negative statements had been made about me and my organization Americans for Legal Immigration PAC or ALIPAC located at

As many are aware, we are a national organization that supports legal immigration and legal immigrants although we oppose Guest Worker amnesties and expanded legal immigration levels. Our organization has supporters in all 50 states and we are blessed with a very ethnically diverse group of supporters and a lot of LEGAL immigrants that are madder than hell about the current non enforcement of our existing immigration laws.

Our platform and mission is simple. We support our existing laws which have been passed by our elected Representatives. America has an illegal immigration crisis because the Bush administration is acting in defiance of his oath of office and the requirements of the US Constitution to enforce our existing laws.

There is nothing radical or harmful about our organization ALIPAC unless one believes that the existing laws passed by Congress and the will of over 80% of the American public is radical and harmful.

Here at, this forum supports false information to further the goals of since blatant rule violations are allowed to stand against me and those that disagree with

Quotes by people I do not know have been falsly attributed to me which violates the rules about impersonation here.

Also, Rule #1 at states that no defamatory information is to be posted.

Why then have my requests to moderators to remove false and defamatory information been ignored? A claim has been made that I'm against and attack all Mexicans / Latinos. The implied claim here is that I am a racist. This is false and defamatory and has no evidence based in fact.

A link has been posted to a screen proclaiming that I am Xenophobic and Nativist. I guess I'm the Xenophobic Nativist working with LEGAL immigrants from across the globe. Makes sense right?

This event says a lot more about than it does about me or ALIPAC. We gladly remove information that is provenly false from our website as we value our credibility. We also enforce our rules when people on our side of the issue cross the line with opposition on our site. It is too bad that does not share our concern for integrity, honesty, and rational intelligent debate on this issue.

This reinforces what we have learned time and time again.

Those that favor open borders, benefits for illegal aliens, Guest Worker Amnesty programs, and the whole SPP program cannot maintain a rational debate on this issue without resorting to name calling and character attacks. It always boils down to your side calling our side racists, Nazis, Xenophobes, nasty hateful people. You do this all the time because you cannot stand to rationally discuss the issue so you try to cast aspersions on your opponents to distract viewers from the weakness of your positions.

In the end, these false and defamatory comments say more about yourselves and the moral and rational weakness of your positions and efforts.

The law is not on your side, the American public is not on your side, and decency and common sense are not on your side so bad mouthing your opponents becomes the rule of the day.

My experiences here combined with the reports of purges of Americans that disagree with your goals are cause for concern. It is clear that is willing to claim one thing while doing another. That's called a lie by the way.

We are part of the resistance and I have to ask why would any American want groups like this that engage in name calling and false character attacks to have any influence on public policy? We have enough lies and liars in politics as it is and it has made our nation so weak inside that we cannot defend and preserve our quality of life and our own borders.

So we can clearly see now that despite the posted rules and the positive sounding glitz on this site that is in the business of dirty politics and smear campaigns.

For the record: 1. Building a wall is not part of our platform. 2. I did not make the statements in other posts that Dee and have attributed to me. 3. Neither I nor ALIPAC oppose all Mexicans and Latinos. We have many Latino supporters and we value their support. 4. We support legal immigrants and welcome them. 5. Neither I nor ALIPAC stands for nativism, hysteria, xenophobia, or racist white supremecist conspiracy theories etc....

Should I decide to respond in a more official capacity to the dirty politics and the one sided deceptive practices here at then you can count on my information being factual and accurate as my position occupies the high ground and I will not lower myself or my cause to the dispicable tactics clearly observed here at

In closing, I am very happy that my organization is not in the business of supporting lawless behavior by millions of illegal aliens and a large group of corporations like is. I look forward to the day when those in politics and the corporate ranks that are responsible for this crisis and the massive amount of death, destruction, and loss of resources through criminal conduct are put on trial and sent to prison for crimes against the citizens of America.

William Gheen
Americans for Legal Immigration PAC ALIPAC