On Saturday June 3 American citizens all across the nation will be joining together to rally for Secure Borders. Ground Zero for the rallies will be the Arizona Border on one of the largest human and drug smuggling corridors on the southern border where human smugglers load human cargo to be transported to cities and towns all over the U.S.

In Arizona, at Ground Zero, a human fence will be formed at HIGH NOON AZ time as American Citizens link hands on the Arizona Border. At the same time, at rallies at Mexican Consulates, State Capitals and cities across America, U.S. Citizens will link hands in solidarity to demand secure borders. Join us on June 3 and help us send a strong, powerful message to our elected leaders—Secure Our Borders!

Bring your signs and flags and remember to take pictures.

If you plan on attending the Arizona Border location you will need to bring some things with you. For list of necessary items click here

To find a rally near you click here
