
I have to express myself on this. I know the purpose of this gathering place is for positive action. This place is a place to energize and share ideas and focus on projects that will help our cause of securing America.
But I hope you will forgive me this one post where I just have to express my feelings. Maybe it will give others a chance to express theirs too.
This is a post about emotions and feelings and not about efforts.

I am very hurt.
I mean that quite honestly. Very very hurt.
Last night I watched a special on HBO. It was called America's Mexican and it starred George Lopez. After watching it, I came to the boards to express my disgust and anger on the George Lopez thread.
This post isn't just about the Lopez comedy routine. It is a little more then that. Watching that show last night gave my husband such a headach he literally went to bed after. I was just angry. But all today I have just felt off. Then a few minutes ago, it occured to me what it was. I am hurt. I am blue. I am sad. I am just hurt.

My husband is retired military. I am also a vet. You cannot image the things we have experienced. You cannot imagine how much we love our country. We love it. It is our home. It is our identity. We have lived in persuit of her safety. It is our children's birthright.

Last night I watched a man trod all over my country and the people of my country. It hurt. This man symbolically wiped his butt and pretended to pee on the food this country raises to feed our citizens and the crowd cheered. He cursed my president and my govenor. He bragged, strutted, profained and insulted this country and its citizens. And it hurt.

America is a great country. It has always been a great country. It may not always be a great country. I feel sick. Immigrants come for many different reasons. I would hope that they come here because they want to be Americans and share in the dream. I would hope that they have a greater purpose then to come her and disparage her, use up her resources and someday disassemble her.

I have been in tears all day but I wasn't sure why. Until now.
I am a tough broad. I wore combat boots when other women were going to college. I do not cry. But George Lopez made me cry.

I love America. I just needed to say that.
I don't understand alot of what the government is doing right now.
I don't understand what a lot of the citizens are thinking right now.
But I think my country is in trouble. The greatest Lady ever.
And it hurts.

Right now overseas there are men and women in great jeopardy. Whether you agree with our actions there or not, we are there. Our young men and women will see on tv what I saw. They will also be hurt. They deserve so much better.

God bless my America to keep her safe and strong.