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  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Just Saw Former Minuteman Tim Donnelly on FOX NEWS

    Just saw former Minuteman Assemblyman Tim Donnelly on FOX NEWS. He wants California to pass the same illegal immigration law as Arizona has.

    Who is Tim Donnelly?

    Bio – Tim Donnelly

    Tim Donnelly, 44, was born in Atlanta, Georgia, the third oldest of 14 children. The day of his birth, he needed three blood transfusions, and had to fight the deadly RH Factor (incompatible blood types), just to stay alive. He has been a determined fighter ever since. When the best public high school in his Michigan town was not getting the job done, at age 15, Tim transferred to a private high school—Southfield Christian—where he worked three different jobs to pay his tuition. In spite of a grueling schedule, he competed in after-school sports—soccer and track—and graduated with honors.

    After spending a year at University of Michigan, Tim headed to California. In 1989, he earned his BA from the University of California, Irvine, all the while working several jobs to pay the bills. After college he went to work for his father in the small family business, supplying parts to plastics manufacturers. 5 years later, Tim started his own small company, providing solutions to his customer's manufacturing problems. Having 20 years experience on the front lines in manufacturing, Tim brings a unique understanding of the problems facing one of the most important sectors in our economy.

    In 2005, Tim answered the call of his country, and became involved in the fight to secure our borders. As the founder of the largest Minuteman chapter in California, he leveraged the media to bring national spotlight on the Federal government’s failure to enforce the border as required by Article IV, Section IV of the Constitution. The costs of illegal immigration were largely ignored by the politicians and the media alike, just as they are now. Since Tim stepped down from the Minutemen to return to private life in 2006, congress voted down an amnesty, and voted to complete and improve the fence, the size of the border patrol has doubled, the American public is now acutely aware of the drug war raging on our borders (18,000 deaths in past 4 years), and a consensus is building among ordinary Americans in both parties that we must enforce our laws instead of granting amnesty.

    Tim is blessed with a wonderful wife, Rowena, five sons, and one grandson. They live in the scenic San Bernardino Mountains, where conservatism is not merely a philosophy; it is a way of life.

    __________________________________________________ ___________

    More information on Tim...

    The latest on California politics and government
    January 24, 2011
    Donnelly battles on Fox Business show

    Assemblyman Tim Donnelly took his budget-cutting message national today on the Fox Business show "Varney & Co.," telling host Stuart Varney that Gov. Jerry Brown's spending plan perpetuates "cradle-to-grave, nanny state government."

    Donnelly is getting mileage out of his video last week, produced by the Assembly GOP, in which he literally shreds part of Brown's budget proposal. As The Bee's Jack Chang reported, Donnelly took some liberties with the facts.

    Fox-Biz host Stuart Varney tried in vain today to get lure Donnelly into addressing whether he's willing to hold out on the budget until the state is forced to issue IOUs. Donnelly, a freshman lawmaker, didn't take the bait.

    "We can't support people cradle to grave, and that's what we have right now," he said.

    Donnelly said the $12 billion in cuts Brown has proposed is "a good start," but clearly not enough. "He's just trimming around the edges," he said. "We really need to dig in and start talking about eliminating entire departments."

    Varney suggested Donnelly should realize that Democrats won the elections in California and suggested he should compromise.

    "There's a whole other group of voters that voted for me," Donnelly responded. "Some people would say they let the wrong guy in the building. Well, you know what? I'm going to make our voice heard and try to drive the debate to taking a look at the proper role of government."

    Read more: ... z1C9gKawDj
    Ron Paul in 2011 "[...]no amnesty should be granted. Maybe a 'green card' with an asterisk should be issued[...]a much better option than deportation."

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Good luck with that in that liberal cesspool

    Calif is pretty much mexico now ,

  3. #3
    Senior Member Ratbstard's Avatar
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    I'm going to make our voice heard and try to drive the debate to taking a look at the proper role of government."
    Great attitude though.
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  4. #4
    Senior Member uniteasone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Justthefacts
    Good luck with that in that liberal cesspool

    Calif is pretty much mexico now ,
    I am afraid I would have to agree with you on that.....unless there is a very drastic change!
    "When you have knowledge,you have a responsibility to do better"_ Paula Johnson

    "I did then what I knew to do. When I knew better,I did better"_ Maya Angelou

  5. #5
    Senior Member dregerk's Avatar
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    Bertram, Texas, United States


    Yep, Tim is our Guy now in CA!

    Go Tim....

    Any and all comments & Opinions and postings by me are considered of my own opinion, and not of any ORG that I belong to! PERIOD!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Great ideas and I like the meaning behind it but reality is I think he is hitting a stone wall in California with his proposals. Also hope he doesn't think he will be safe walking anywhere near a latino community in that state.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    South Bay
    I met Tim Donnelly on the California border in the fall of 2005,he was the helmsman for the MCDC on our first few musters.Fast forward 5 and 1/2 years and he is now an Assemblyman for the State of California.
    He ran as a Minuteman and was elected.My refrain to you,''O ye,of little faith''!

  8. #8
    Senior Member dregerk's Avatar
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    Bertram, Texas, United States
    Quote Originally Posted by BillCunnane
    Great ideas and I like the meaning behind it but reality is I think he is hitting a stone wall in California with his proposals. Also hope he doesn't think he will be safe walking anywhere near a latino community in that state.
    Bill, he lives in the Lake arrowhead - Big Bear area not a lot of "Greenlanders " there.

    Anyway he has the skills to handel anything......

    More next month....

    Any and all comments & Opinions and postings by me are considered of my own opinion, and not of any ORG that I belong to! PERIOD!

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