We have many poor citizens. They could be gainfully employed if we took the time to help them. We should listen to their stories of lost opportunities, sabotaged dreams, no opportunity, insurmountable odds and more. But no we do not listen, we do not help. We close our eyes to the poor of our nation while charitably reaching out to the rest of the planet. (That's a whole other book - how the guilty for being rich American tries to salve their conscience while our government engages in hostilities that are horrendous to contemplate. I mean really, a joke about drones Obama? Can you imagine the horror of drones targeting you in your home?)

Some of us know that some of our poor have resolvable situations if only resources could be diverted to lift them up, lend a helping hand with an honest evaluation of the situation and the talents of the individual. We are not all created equal. Many people suffer negative labeling due to ignorance. They have various mental malfunction problems that are not caught by a general practitioner and they need to be evaluated by a specialist so that appropriate accommodations can be made for their training and work life. So yes, a psych eval by the properly trained specialist could help to pinpoint these problems preventing success.

But really, as a nation I think we need a psych eval. How is it that we can justify saying that the poor will always be with us? How is it that we can turn a blind eye to the suffering we have domestically and justify it to ourselves, our consciences? What kind of insanity is this that we welcome the worlds' poor and deny our own? Why don't we hear their stories? Is it because their truth flies in the face of our beliefs about the greatness of our own nation? That we have to admit that the opportunities here are not equally available to everybody and that everybody are not born equally suited to taking advantage of opportunities? And if they were not born equal to the task - why can't we accommodate them - we can see that it is not cheaper to hire illegals over the long haul - we pay one way or the other - perhaps it would be cheaper and make for a more harmonious society to aim for full employment and make adaptations for those who need them in order to achieve this goal. As it stands now we only accommodate a small group of differently abled and there is a huge population whose needs are totally unacknowledged and unmet. It hurts to be labeled differently abled but if the solution means a more productive fulfilling life than could be accomplished otherwise - why not? Why leave them to flounder in misery? Is that the kind thing to do? Does it contribute to eventual crime?

We need some honesty domestically too. Yes we need to have an all inclusive dialogue and explain how so many opportunities, for decades, have been given to foreign-born and not to native born. What is up with that? We can see it. Are you going to tell me that all the Patels running hotels are subsidized by the nation of India to come here and do that job? And how is it that all the cigarette stores are owned and operated by Middle Easterners of Arabic descent? How is it that someone born in poverty overseas, with English as a second language, manages to come here and own a gas station when citizens have no idea how to avail themselves of the same opportunity? This is not sane. We want to know. These opportunities should be given to native born first. The U.S. needs a psych eval for doing this to it's own people or allowing it to be done. We have plenty of diverse peoples already here that want the jobs. We still don't know why it was better to have foreigners help after Katrina - foreigners who claim they were kept in slave like conditions and filed lawsuits when there are plenty of people from the area who would have liked to learn the skills, would have liked to have the pride of rebuilding their own community. Why were they not given the opportunity to do so? Why was there no public discussion and outcry on this issue alone? Or did I miss it? This nation is not sane. The U.S. needs a psych eval.