Sure some at first blush would find that a harsh accusation to throw at the President of the United States and his Republican cohorts who are in charge of both the House and Senate, but it's true. First, lets look at just what Genocide really is.

Genoscide we can agree is the coordinated and carefully planned annihilation of a national, religious, or racial group by a variety of actions aimed at undermining the foundations essential to the survival of the group as a group. This coordinated attack includes, but is not limited to attacks on political and social institutions, culture, language, national feelings, religion, and the economic existence of the group. As you read and absorb this definition of Genocide, look back on the last five years of this Republican controlled America and it becomes crystal clear their actions and betrayals at designed and planned to elimiante this nations Middle Class as a group.

1. The President's Tax cut that have fully and completely been supported by the Republican Third Reich-these tax cuts have predominantly benefitted the upper ten percent of the American Population. The president wants to tout that putting $400 bucks into the pockets of us Middle Class Americans helps us out, jump starts the economy. Five years times four hundred dollars by my math is $2,000 while each and every one of our's share of the cost of the war in Iraq is far more than that.

2. Since he was elected into office, the stream of illegal immigrants crossing into America has been a FLOOD, while enforcement has all but dissappeared. For instance, the Iraq reconstruction plan calls for some TWENTY EIGHT THOUSAND border patrol, but the president wants to beat his chest and claim...I added another 1,000 people to the border patrol, and have increased their funding. Has he used those new border patrol agents to serious crack down on raids at the work place to catch those companies hiring illegals? Why is it that the INS gives employers 24 hour notice before orchestrating a raid?

3. The war in Iraq, where in the President LIED TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE to send our troops into harms way. Wars are not fought by the rich and elite, the price not paid by their children, their parents. We have lost 2300 Americans to this wrong war, and another 16,000 are MAIMED for life. Meanwhile, while our finest citizens within the middle and lower classes are fighting for our country in the desert sands, a Republican controlled Washington, DC has been allowing the president to strip us of the very rights they are fighting to protect. Did any one read where the President's illegal spying of Americans through the NSA could include listening to calls between us and our doctors and attorneys? Any one want to bet that the FBI regularly monitors this board?

4. The Republican controlled House and Senate under the direction of the president has work deligently to remove any obstacles to American companies outsourcing American jobs to other country with India leading the way, while at the same time pushing for larger numbers of Visa's bringing these same people into our country to steal away American jobs in the tech industry. (Keep in mind, that even Frist's supposed enforcement bill calls for issuing FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND NEW GREEN CARDS EACH AND EVERY YEAR!

5. Americans want BORDER SECURITY, Americans want ILLEGALS DEPORTED, Americans OPPOSE AMNESTY, Americans OPPOSE A GUEST WORKER program...but, in the name of CHEAP WAGES, the United States Senate controlled by the Republicans is prepared this coming week to pass what they call COMPREHENSIVE Immigration Reform that will LEGALIZE 15-20 million illegal immigrants now in this country, bring more in by creating a guest worker program, and increase by large numbers the number of H classification visa's as well as adding an additiona 400,000 GREEN CARDS. Where is this good for the middle and lower class sectors of our society?

6. Whilte granting record tax breaks to the rich and elite, the social services umbrella for middle and lower class Americans has been being stripped to the bone. College tuition assistent is on life support, medicare and medicaid has seen significantly cuts, even the presidents No Child Left Behind is severely under financed, and we all know the talk about eliminating Social Security as we know it today.

I could go on, but the pattern is there. This president, this Republican controlled Washington Government are visiting a genocide upon America working class, bent on destroying the middle class and turning America into a two tiered society of the haves, and the slaves with Walmart acting as the Company store. Any Senator who has the unmitgated gall to support a guest worker program is embracing the genocidal mind sinc of the Nazi Third Reich, any senator who votes for Amnesty for 15-20 illegal aliens now in this country has and is signing off on a Hitler like Holocause of the most nefarious kinds aimed at exterminating the very heart of America, it's middle class.

Pinto Bean