Here is the second letter I've received from Kay Bailey Hutchison after writting back to her.

Type is crooked on the letter. Letter is dated 8-6 but I just got it about a week ago.

Here is my letter to send back.

Kay Bailey Hutchison
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510-4304

Dear Ms. Hutchison,

1) The “Good Neighbor SAFE Visa” program is, simply, another Guest Worker Program. It is amazing the lengths you people will go to keep low skilled, cheap labor poring into Our Country. We do not need Guest Workers. What we need is for every single illegal to leave Our Country so that the millions of jobs they have taken can be returned the American Working Class Citizen at wages which will allow these Americans to support their families.

2) These people have been dropping “Anchor Babies” for the past two decades. Even if every illegal alien left today, we would have far too many unskilled, cheap laborers in These United States. There is no such thing as “Jobs Americans Won’t Do”. Sure we needed a few laborers during the World Wars, but that time has come and Gone!

3) We do not need “Comprehensive Immigration Reform”. We simply need for the Government and law enforcement agencies to enforce our existing immigration and labor laws.

4) Only a fool would trust President Bush to “Certify” that the borders are secure...hello!

5) Your plan asks all illegal aliens to return to Mexico, get a card, and return to the jobs they took from Americans, and continue to drive down wages. In what way does this benefit Americans? Oh yes, no plan so far, except for the House’s plan, considers anything other than what is best for Mexico and It’s citizens.

6) Your asking these people to leave voluntarily??? Since there is no punishment in place if they don’t return, this must be the case.

7) You are going to hand over control of our borders and enforcement of our immigration laws to the same companies that brought them here to take our jobs in the first place?

8) Have you not heard of the fraudulent social security cards, birth certificates, and drivers licenses that are available on every street corner. Do you not hear about the babies with bad credit or the ten year olds that are registered to vote because an Illegal Mexican stole their identity? I suppose these new cards will be more secure. Is that it?

I am, hereby, requesting that you support “The Citizenship Reform Act of 2005 (currently proposed as H.R. 698)” which would amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to clarify that the domestically born children of foreign nationals are not granted automatic citizenship.

”We The People” Have Spoken! No Amnesty. No Guest Workers. Please listen to us or be voted out of office. Thank You.

Letters will be posted on the internet.

Respectfully Yours,

I know. Wasting my time right?