Jan 7, 2012
Doc Vega

Obama administration now conducting surveillance on Twitter and Facebook users in an intelligence search for key phrases

Just in case the recent revelations of NDAA S. 1867 haven't disturbed you enough, there are even more goodies in your loss of freedoms lunch box to sample. Recently it has been announced that the Obama administration is now targeting public references to illegal immigration and oil exploration policy such as the Keystone Pipeline! Intelligence will be gathered on anyone who releases tweets using key phrases that speak out against the Obama administration's ambitions to pass amnesty for all illegal aliens living within the borders of the United States or anyone wishing to speak out against Obama's job killing policies such as rejecting permits for the construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline!

I ask you does it get any worse than this now? We as a free society must now worry that anytime we voice our our opinions in compliance with the First Amendment of the US Constitution that we now face the prospect of being treated as potential detainees or worse terrorists, who can be indefinitely detained according to the new Section 1867 clause of the most recent NDAA directive.

The Department of Homeland Security is already planning to monitor blogs on Facebook and Twitter for key phrases that involve terms as oil drilling and illegal immigration. They plan to commence operations by setting up fake accounts on social media sites like Twitter and Facebook. When search tools of these stealth social sites scan any personal public account containing mundane terms that raise a red flag, the personal information of the owner of that account will be recorded and compiled along with others being collected by the DHS. Janet Napolitano attempted to make sure that this latest ominous operation by her department was kept secret and under wraps until, whistle blower Rob Waugh of UK Daily uncovered it.

According to EPIC (Electronic Privacy Information Center) the Obama administration has been stonewalling Freedom of Information Act requests pertaining to this secretive assault on our online freedoms, or should I say illusion of freedoms.

Rand Paul, Republican Senator of KY, revealed that those who are tagged by the Obama administration for being terrorist threats are anyone having more than 7 days of food stores at home, those missing a finger, owners of multiple firearms, or possessing water proof ammunition. That information is to be secretly collected from retailers or store owners and sent to DHS.

Last August, a joint training exercise coordinated between the FBI and Department of Homeland Security was sponsored by Planned Parenthood, National Abortion Federation, and Feminist Majority Foundation who identified such people as pro-life activists as being domestic terrorist threats! This meeting of minds among the federal agencies issued a 3 page list of conservative online organizations that they deemed worthy of monitoring. The list was as follows; Christian Broadcasting Network, Concerned Women For America, Center For Bio-ethical Reform, Priests For Life, and many many more.

This is an example of furthering the overreach of AG Eric Holder's DOJ determination concerning who in America constituted a threat as domestic terrorists when a report was release to State Police all over the US, That 2009 report stated that threats included American veterans, right wing conservatives, devout Christian religious groups, or any other organization devoted to a single unifying cause such as opposition to illegal immigration or abortion. These groups are supposedly capable, according to the DHS, of recruitment and indoctrination of radical right wing extremism, and therefore are subject to monitoring.

Never before has any prior administration demonstrated such exhaustive efforts to collect files on their opposition through criminal and intelligence channels in an effort to further their own agenda of snuffing out resistance to their radical policies. Using false fronts and seemingly innocent methods to gather personal information in unprecedented amounts, one can only demand just what is this ill-gotten intelligence data being accumulated for? Just how far will this go? How much more invasion of privacy will take place? Will this be how the federal government determines who falls under the definition of terrorist threat to national security thus qualifying them for military style indefinite detainment without legal representation?

I think it would be safe to assume that my writing would, no doubt, constitute a threat based upon such flimsy and trumped up allegations by our Orwellian police state.

Read more at Suite101: Obama SkyNet Now Targeting Public Speech On Twitter |