Yes this is one of those reminisce stories, sort of. When I was a kid we lived near Mt. Hood and out this way used to be tons of berry farms. Every summer (both parents worked) our mother would drop the six of us off at one of the local berry farms (she kind of knew all these people) and the local kids would be there, picking the berries, making some money and learning work ethics. We usually only worked from 730 AM till noon and our mother would pick us up, but we worked hard, earned money and it kept us out of trouble. With illegals taking those jobs, kids nowadays cannot get any summer work, learn work ethics and earn some summer money (well, we were expected to put some towards our own school clothes). My own late father was a kid in the Wenatchee Valley and Okanagen areas of Washington in the 1940's and 50's with relatives with apple orchards, remembers working during harvest "apple knocking" with his siblings, he had many great memories he shared with us, lots of hard work, but always a sense of accomplishment. This is all being lost to our young people and kids, it is needed to build character in our youth and help them understand the value of hard work. Let's do what it takes to save these jobs for our youth in this country.