I'm bad - Quotes from some Dreamers that participated in call.

Dream will hit the floor next week.
This week is reserved for START treaty and government funding bill
DREAM will be the last thing on Agenda more or less.
START bill and Government funding bill will need to be passed first.
Durbin: "We will try to get this bill passed before Christmas"

Furthermore, I forgot if it was Durbin, Menendez, or Gutierrez that mentioned that at this moment we have 58 senators on board with the DREAM Act, that is also taking into consideration the democratic senators that are not on board.
The reason that they gave as to why it did not pass in september was because the republican senators complained that the defense bill had to be alone, not news to most here, but they have brought it as a stand alone in order to not give them that excuse again. Well, this time they said they will not pass anything until the tax bill goes through, so they are going to finish the taxation bill by tomorrow.

Then they will tackle the START treaty and the government funding bill before touching the DREAM Act, which should give us an opportunity to call, call, call. They are now potentially facing other obstacles, excuses by the republicans who want to read the bills again (i took that as meaning the START treaty and government), which according to Durbin one takes about 15 hours to read and the other about a day, obviously a tactic to take time away, and they are trying to prevent that from happening in order to get this through before the lame duck session ends.
-Our Elected Official Leaders have asked for our help, they cannot do this by themselves. The community of "Dream Act Beneficiaries" and their "Allies" have to stand up and voice your concerns to Republicans, call: 1-866-587-6101.

-Let Durbin and Reid gather the votes, that is their job, if all "Dream Act Benficiaries" would make one call we would flood congress with 2.0 million + phonecalls, it is with very URGENT and CRITICAL FOR US DREAMERS TO VOICE OUR CONCERNS. Bob Menendez emphasized that he is confident that if we fight and we combine efforts then Republicans would feel the "heat" of this movement thus creating an environment that allows Dream Act to Pass. However, vice-versa if you sit around and let others do your work and don't call our chances of passing Dream Act are significantly reduced.

-We need to show the American Society that we are here, and that we are here to stay, and that we can talk, we are thankful of each other efforts, now make the phone call Dreamers, this our time, let your voice be hear loud and clear.

-We have the support of The White House and The President of the United States whom are counting on us to push for this, so they may have the leverage to induce Republicans to vote for the Dream Act.

-Mainly, we, Dreamers, need to create a "situation/an environment" that allows the 11/12 Republicans that have supported Dream Act in the past to choose courage over fear. Per Senator Durbin, it was understood this "situation/environment" can only be achieved by making your phone calls with as much enthusim and politeness as possible, that is, when you call express how much the Dream Act means to you, share your story, and let them khow how this impacts your life and the lives of your family

http:/ /dreamact.info/ forum/showthread. php?t=18819

Isn't this treason - This states clearly that they are Elected Official Leaders of Illegal Aliens