On several occasions La Raza, MECHA and other "reconquista" groups have discussed their closer relationship to Pakistan terrorist than to "White America". Al Qaeda has been spotted throughout the Latin nations in North America. Members of La Raza and other groups see Al Qaeda's desire to kill Americans as a step closer to the overall goal of Reconquista. The current mexican President as well as the last, have had meeting with members of Pakistans's Al Qaeda. There are several growing Muslim communities in Mexico, especially in Chiapas. There are also reports that Tijuana and Guadalajara are "harboring terrorists". Stupid La Raza. Mexico will be like Indonesia. When they run a country or even a part, you are Muslim or you are dead. Christians will be and already are being persecuted.

Local news station KNBC is not allowing Mayor of Los Angeles Antonio Villaraigosa to simply walk away from questions concerning his affair and how much of his running around was at tax payers expense. During their investigation they uncovered a home - grown terrorist plot that they would like to also discuss with the Mayor. The most recent news story on this was this A.M. It has not yet been posted to the website, but the mayor is still making excuses as to why he will not make public his emails or other info being requested. This is a real opportunity to expose the Mayor and his La Raza ways to the public.

KNBC Calls On Mayor Villaraigosa To Release E-Mails, Official Schedule

POSTED: 12:20 pm PDT July 16, 2007
UPDATED: 1:21 pm PDT July 18, 2007

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LOS ANGELES -- Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa's relationship with a television reporter is raising new questions about his conduct as it relates to city business, KNBC News reported.

Under California's Public Records Act, KNBC reporter Ana Garcia asked the mayor to show the station his e-mails and his official calendar.

But, according to Garcia, the mayor's attorneys refused to turn over most of the things the station requested.


Following is a verbatim script from the on-air report.

Garcia: Antonio Villaraigosa is a mayor who has enjoyed the media spotlight until recent revelations of an extra-marital affair.

Villaraigosa: I have had a relationship with Ms. Salinas - over time it has evolved.

Garcia: The mayor and Telemundo news anchor Mirthala Salinas have admitted their affair went on for much of the time the mayor has been in office. Telemundo, Channel 52, is owned by NBC Universal.

A month ago, Channel 4 requested all of Villaraigosa's communications with his staff, e-mails, calendars, and travel expenses dating back to his first day in office.

Steve Levin, Center for Governmental Studies: The voters have every right to know what's going on at City Hall.

Garcia: Steve Levin is an attorney with the Center for Governmental Studies, a nonprofit think tank on political reform.

Levin: This is very much a case where the public life and personal life overlapped, and that could have affected his judgment.

Garcia: For example, in November of 2005, way before the affair was public, Villaraigosa was criticized for taking a corporate jet to Detroit for the funeral of civil rights icon Rosa Parks.

Villaraigosa: I am here today because there was a civil rights act.

Garcia: The jet was provided by Ameriquest, the mayor's former employer and generous donor. Ameriquest gave $100,000 to the mayor's inaugural bash.

The mayor's staff defended the "use of the private plane" because of "short notice" and reimbursed Ameriquest $438, the cost of an airline ticket.

But a look at his calendar for the night before the funeral shows the mayor was here in Burbank being interviewed live at Telemundo where Salinas worked, until 6:15.

The private jet his office said he needed to take wasn't departing from "Van Nuys until 11:30" that night.

So where was Villaraigosa for most of the night? Here at his Salinas' condo in Sherman Oaks, according to one of the residents.

Jean Rouda told the Los Angeles Times and confirmed to us on the phone she saw the mayor "carrying bags of take-out food and a bottle of wine."

At the time, the mayor's staff insisted "there wasn't time to book a commercial flight," even though according to the mayor's own calendar, we now know he was free from 6:15 on the eve of the funeral until 11 a.m. the next morning when the services began.

Levin: There is a credibility problem.

Garcia: Fast-forward a year to Villaraigosa's trip to New York in March of 2006 to look at public schools. Salinas covered the trip for Telemundo, along with other reporters from LA.

Garcia: This is the mayor's calendar, and the only TV station to get a one-on-one with the mayor in New York was his girlfriend.

Levin: He granted the interview to someone he was close with and that should be troubling to voters.

Garcia: By comparison, a review of the mayor's calendar shows I was given only 15 minutes to interview him about an alleged homegrown terror cell in LA that Channel 4 had uncovered.

Levin: The mayor and his staff are stonewalling the public on certain information

Garcia: The mayor's lawyers are refusing to turn over some records including e-mails.

The mayor's office says they won't give us these documents because it would reveal the mayor's decision-making process. Isn't that what we want to see?

Levin: That's the whole point.

Garcia: A similar request made to the previous mayor, Jim Hahn, resulted in all these documents being released to us. Compare that to what Villaraigosa has given us.

Levin: We want any mayor, whether it's Jim Hahn or Antonio Villaraigosa, to disclose their calendars and e-mails.

Garcia: The mayor's own Web site, invites you to e-mail him.

Garcia, typing: "Dear Mayor,"

Garcia: So we sent him a message asking why he won't release his e-mails -- I received a standard, automatic response.

We know the mayor has an active BlackBerry based on his bills. His city-issued phone shows more than 47,000 messages or kilobytes over a nine-month period. The phone company says without a more detailed bill, they can't tell us if those are emails.

Garcia: What does that tell you? Does that mean he e-mails?

Levin: Either that or he's checking sports scores.

Garcia: The mayor's attorney insists there are no e-mails to turn over, because the mayor does not e-mail.

Levin: There could be something in there he doesn't want the public to see.

Garcia: Attorneys on behalf of KNBC are arguing for the release of the e-mails and other documents.

Paul Moyer, KNBC News: The mayor's office says tonight the mayor uses his BlackBerry only to text and receive e-mails about his schedule. They say the private jet was necessary to accommodate others traveling to the funeral.

Salinas has been placed on leave while Telemundo conducts an internal investigation.

NBC4 Investigation: Possible Terror Evidence In Robbery Probe
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During the raid to arrest two robbery suspects at a local apartment, police said officers uncovered details of a possible terrorist cell, with alleged plans for an attack in the Southland.

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In an exclusive investigation, Channel 4 News has learned more about the two suspects under investigation by the FBI's counter terrorism task force and an alleged plot that targeted several prominent locations in the Los Angeles area.

ANA GARCIA (REPORTER): Is it possible that an Islamic prison gang with possible links to Middle Eastern operatives were planning to blow up these targets?

El Al Airlines at LAX
Israeli Consulate On Wilshire Boulevard
Westside Jewish Synagogues
California National Guard Armories

LT. COMMANDER ERIC GRIMM, CALIFORNIA NATIONAL GUARD: We put those three armories on a heightened state of security.

GARCIA: Armories in West LA, Manhattan Beach and Torrance. And U.S. Army recruiting centers, including Long Beach, Torrance and Harbor City.

GRIMM: There was a robbery in Torrance, and ... the persons arrested by the local police department made an allegation or a threat against the California National Guard, and they specifically named three armories.

GARCIA: Gregory Patterson, 21, and Levar Washington, 25, are being held on a total of $3 million bail, charged with holding up at least 10 gas stations and convenience stores in the South Bay.

But why are Patterson and Washington of interest to the FBI's counter terrorism unit?

RAFAT A. SALIB, ARMED ROBBERY VICIM: Police took the tape.

GARCIA: Salib, a Chevron gas station owner, says investigators took the surveillance tape of the hold-up at his Crenshaw Boulevard market.

SALIB: (The) guy came in about 10:30 (with a) ski mask on (his) face ... (and) unbelieveable, it's a machine gun, a long machine gun.

GARCIA: According to a senior official familiar with the case, when police searched Washington's apartment on West 27th Street, looking for evidence of the robberies, they instead found a list of targets and notes of an operation which detailed a need for cash, explosives, weapons, even remote control devices. Our informant tells us it was all part of a plot to blow up targets in the Los Angeles area. Rabbi Marvin Hier confirms an increased police presence at synagogues.

RABBI MARVIN HIER, SIMON WIESENTHAL CENTER: Our assumption was, it is directly linked to the event the arrest of these two people in Torrance.

GARCIA: But who are Patterson and Washington? A local police source says Gregory Patterson may have worked at LAX; the airport was on the list of targets. LAX officials say they the FBI has asked them not to comment.

And what about Levar Washington? According to court records, Washington is a former member of the Rolling 60 Crips gang and even had their tattoo on his forehead. He was sentenced to six years in prison for assault with a deadly weapon, robbery and street terrorism . Washington was housed at four different California prisons. Records show he entered as a Christian, but published reports say he is now a disciple of Islam.

A source close to the investigation says Washington and Patterson may be linked to a wider plot involving a prison-based gang called "Jimiyat Islam Sahid" or JIS. According to gang experts, JIS recruits former gang members such as the Crips in prisons such as Folsom, where Washington served time.

HIER: People are converted to extremists while they are serving in prison.

GARCIA: According to an expert close to the case, JIS was formed in the mid-'90s and is allegedly linked to Middle Eastern operatives in Pakistan and Tunisia.

HIER: That is very frightening.

GARCIA: El Al airlines confirms their security department knew about the threat.

Gregory Patterson's attorney says his client in no way intended to take aggressive action against his country.

Patterson's mother told a local newspaper her son has never done anything wrong. He was an honors student and Christian who recently converted to Islam.

We found a 1999 handwritten note from Washington's mother, Debra, in court records. She wrote to the judge at the time that her son had remorse, that he had changed tremendously and promised he would not get into trouble again.

We want to be clear. Gregory Patterson and Levar Washington have been charged only with robbery, and they have pleaded not guilty.
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