Thursday, December 31, 2015 09:37 PM
By: Greg Richter

Conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer is no fan of GOP presidential front-runner, but he says he also is a "straight shooter," so he didn't let his personal feelings affect his choice of "Winner of the Year" on Thursday.

On the final 2015 episode of Fox News Channel's "Special Report," Krauthammer said, "The obvious political winner in the United States this year is Donald Trump."

Trump had "the most astonishing, unexpected political rise in recent American political history," Krauthammer said, "I would say with the exception of Jeremy Corbyn becoming the leader of the [British] Labour Party, you know a board-certified communist."

Krauthammer quipped that he never lets "feelings get in the way of my ironclad judgment," but added that "the thing that probably tipped me over is when Trump, after a lot of hesitation, came out against the killing of journalists. That's what sealed the deal for me."

Trump, after being criticized for accepting .,,,, who has been accused of having journalists killed, told a rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan, he hates some in the press, but would never kill them.

Trump doesn't like to be criticized, and has taken on Krauthammer, mispronouncing his name in the process. The commentator's name sounds like the two words "kraut" and "hammer," but Trump says "krauth" and "ammer."

"Let me just say Mr. Trump – or Mr. Thrump," Krauthammer said Thursday, "no diphthong in Krauthammer."