He is running to unseat the rascist former gang member LA mayor Villaraigosa. Here is the news from Walter Moore after last night's rally for his campaign:
Now THAT Was A Rally!
By Walter Moore, Candidate for Mayor of Los Angeles, WalterMooreForMayor.com
October 15, 2005

Last night's rally was terrific!

Let's start with how many people came. I booked a room set up to seat 300. Those chairs filled up rapidly, so the people at the Marriott -- who are wonderful, by the way -- brought in more chairs, every one of which supporters filled. But even that wasn't enough: people had to stand out in the lobby, and sit on the floor by the stage in front. I'm thinking we had maybe 500 people altogether.

The 100 or so yard signs I brought found homes rapidly, as did 1,000 bumper stickers and flyers. I believe we also got hundreds of signatures on the Jamiel's Law petitions I brought.

My fundraising goal for last night was $2,500, which would have put us into "matching funds" territory. We did not meet my goal. We exceeded it by about a factor of five: contributions from people at the rally, and online immediately afterwards exceeded $12,000. We've now raised a total of over $178,000.

Our two lead speakers were excellent, as always. Kevin James and Doug McIntyre -- our own version of Radio Free Europe -- got all of us fired up while also making us laugh.

And when Doug finished and introduced me, everyone stood up. Naturally, I figured they were standing up to go home, since they'd already heard from Kevin and Doug. Turns out, they stayed, listened to my presentation, and asked me some very thoughtful questions about the problems that concern them most. They're all enthusiastic about working together to fix this City. Our numbers are growing every day.

Let's keep it going. Let's keep spreading the word, person to person, neighbor to neighbor, commuter to commuter. Let's keep the contributions flowing, so I can buy more bumper stickers, yard signs and flyers. We need to keep letting people know they don't have to settle for Villaraigosa. We can and will do this.

And now that we've qualified for matching funds, it's like a political two-for-one sale: for every $100 you contribute, the City will match it with $100 of your hard-earned tax money! Click here to contribute.

The NEXT rally, by the way, will be in San Pedro, in the Doubletree Hotel, at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 12. I look forward to meeting all of you who live near our City's southern border at that rally.

If you want to contribute,CLICK HERE.