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This is LaRaza's call to action:




We must respond immediately to the failure of the Senate and the Congress to act. We must let the President know that we will not accept the continuation of injustice under what all agree is a broken law. Familia Latina Unida calls for coordinated actions of civil disobedience at Homeland Security offices across the nation beginning on December 20. “We want a Christmas without fear, a Christmas in which children celebrating the Holy Family are not in fear that armed men will come to their homes to take away their own family.”

The failure of President Obama and the Democratically controlled House and Senate to pass legislation to fix our broken immigration system has left us all with one objective: a moratorium on deportations and separation of families until legislation still pending in the house and senate is finally acted on. We salute Congressman Gutierrez for his leadership in passing the Dream Act through the House, but we recognize that for nearly ten years the Democratic Leadership has been playing with us – saying they were committed to comprehensive immigration reform, which included the dream act, but doing absolutely noting to move it forward. On the eve of a desperate election, they agreed to put forward the dream act alone. We do not believe they did this in good faith. History will show that Congressman Gutierrez finally forced their hand in the House of Representatives.

Every day, 1100 people are deported. Every day, six million children and young people, 80% of whom are U.S. citizens, 20% of whom are dream act eligible, live in fear of having their families and their lives destroyed. Instead of working to provide these young people with education and health care and decent housing and a way to live productive lives, our government gets up every morning with new plans to destroy their families.

All of this is happening in spite of the fact that we elected a President who committed in no uncertain terms to stop the separation of families. The recent elections have solidified the deadlock in Congress on a way to fix our broken immigration laws. Yet the President still has the power to stop the deportations until the Congress finally addresses this national tragedy.

In response to the demands of the families and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, the Department of Homeland Security has given President Obama a seven point memorandum outlining his powers to stop the deportations until the Congress can act. The President must be compelled to keep his promise.

Congressman Gutierrez has called for a nationwide movement for the moratorium. He has said that now “The Movement is the Moratorium, the Moratorium is the Movement.” He explains that we must act to get the President to act and we must also struggle in every city and town to stop cooperation between ICE and local law enforcement through the 287g and Secure Communities Act programs. We must fight for every family that is struggling to keep their lives and their families together.

Congressman Gutierrez has said that we can no longer allow our movement to be determined by the legislative priorities of politicians and parties more concerned with their reelection than with the lives of our families. The Congressman has said that U.S. citizens must be prepared to “step out of their comfort zone” and be willing to fill the jails until the President keeps his promise and stops the deportations.

`The Movement for the Moratorium has begun! Every Monday in Chicago pastors, elected officials, family members of those facing deportations and youth leaders have blocked the doors of the Homeland Security Headquarters in Chicago and organized mass arrests. Let the nation hear us on December 20th. We will not be silent.