Los Angeles, Alta California
November 30, 2007

US Border Patrol is launching "chemical gas canisters" towards Mexico

The Mexican Consulate in San Diego and Baja California police authorities have filed strong complaints against unwarranted and hostile actions by US Border Patrol agents assigned to the Tijuana border sector. The Mexican authorities reported that in three separate occasions, during a period of two weeks, US Border Patrol agents launched "chemical gas canisters" across the border causing injury to Mexican citizens and school children.

José Luis Armenta was in his van on the Mexican side when he says he heard the thump of a heavy object hit his vehicle. When he exited his vehicle to investigate he says he was overcome by a thick cloud of foul smelling gas. He says that school children in the area were in panic, crying and fleeing the chemical gases that were thrown by the US Border Patrol across the barrier that separates both countries. José Luis Armenta collapsed because he suffers from pulmonary emphysema but survived due to the fast arrival and rescue by "Cruz Roja" paramedics.

The chemical attack by the US Border Patrol also affected a group of carpenters working in a near by shop. Orlando Rojas, one of the carpenters, said that all the workers had to flee the shop because one of the canisters landed inside.

Fernando Bojorquez, spokesperson for the Municipal Police of Tijuana confirmed the there have been three chemical attacks by the US Border Patrol in the area in two weeks.

The US Border Patrol spokesperson in San Diego, Wendi Lee, refused to comment to the press concerning the cowardly and dastardly act of aggression against the peaceful Republic of Mexico and its people. ... mexico.htm

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