I am so fed up-
I am just using this affluent city as an example .
I have had ample time to scout out how throughly the city has been taken over by illegals.
ON Boones Ferry way- the Macdonalds -the car wash- the grocery stores- Seven dees nursery and all the other garden care places are illegals- every new construction site has a white guy in charge and illegal mexican men working under him-
and this is all over-
Tilliamook Ice cream shop-( on main street) all the Marriott hotels on Bangy rd hire illegals maids from mexico-
the gas stations all have illegals -yes ,I am talking about you Chervron-
I give Trader Joe's credit - on Bangy road- they don't hire illegals - but the garden service and the garbage pickup sure do- the apartment biuldings next to ALbertsons( which has a token illegal bagging) have been taken over- and now the -park near has closed bathrooms due to vandalism.
then two days ago- the oregonian did a front page story on how the Latino population in the schools took oregon by suprise- really? we have about 600,000 - and they are young and breeding- why the suprise?

oh and lets not forget maid brigade- and who is taking down all my flyers at the library.
this is war or is it not?
I mean why should we- american citizens observe any laws if the country we live in -- from the global nationals- corporation - to the feds do not obey the laws?