There was posting here a while back about a JC Penny in California that wanted bi-lingual employees only. Well, let me tell you what happened with my wife at our local JC Penny here in Colorado.

Nothing unusual really for she went to pay for something and was offerred a %10 discount if she applied for a JC Penny Credit card. She did and she got one in the mail. However, the whole damn thing was in Spanish. Information etc. Almost nothing in English. Now, she is legal, my wife, but she has no credit history. The card limit was only $800 BUT I remember back in the 80's when I could not a credit card to save my soul! So, I have to ask, how many ILLEGALS with false papers are being given credit cards? When I have gone to the Catholic masses in Spanish and I see "Juan" drive up in a $30,000 pick up truck and alligator boots worth $1,000 did he get this on credit as an illegal? Somebody told me that no legal adult can be denied initial credit? Is this true? My wife is making the MINUMUM wage! $7.25 an hour. She needs a credit card like a need a hole in my head!

Then there are the illegals two houses down from us who bought the house for $190,000. (WE live about 7 miles from a ICE detention facility!) It was in the Denver Post in their home sales section they print every few weeks. My wife told my wife (Spanish) that the woman admitted that they were "illegal". Who gave them the loan? Then of course the local Wells Fargo bank has gone totally bi-lingual. I speak Spanish but I don't like it! How many of the banks in Mexico have gone to English? Free trade and NAFTA is so good where are the jobs for us in Mexico? Canada?
As a bi-lingual male anglo I looked for a job paying $50,000 a year in Latin America with benefits and I could not find any? I can teach English for $6 an hour in Guatemala and you know what? I am so sick and tired of people who tell me that you can live better in some latin countries than in the US. This used to be true but the eroding dollar has killed this and hey Mexico is not cheap! Can you tell me where a poor non Spanish speaking Amnerican can find gainful employment in Canada or Mexico thanks to NAFTA? Then the Air Force gives a major military contract to Airbus and France? European economic stimulus package courtesy of the US taxpayer! Free trade is good says the politicos...good for who? Illegals can come here and get jobs and buy homes and go to our schools and get health care, food stamps for their anchor kids, health care...I see nothing for we Americans in my travels to Mexico, Colombia, Guatemala, Ecuador, Panama , Dominican Republic, Argentina, Honduras, Costa Rica, Venezuela.....Americans do live there in those countries but we arrive with wealth (pensions etc) and what do those governments do for us Americans? (Much less their own people!) Where are the jobs in Canada for we Americans? Anyone seen a job posting for an American in Canada? Lots of factories in Ontario do the Canadians want us? You get my point! Our government in Washington tells us how good free trade is for American citizens. How? Where? How many American students are studying in Mexico with the Mexican government picking up the tab? How many would be NON Hispanic American citizens?

Maybe I am wrong? I have lots of questions? Anybody have any answers?

Anyone notice how the new US currency has a red tint to it? Seems as though the Candian and Mexican pesos I saw were this color? They ain't green backs anymore from what I can see? Is it only I who has noticed this? The head of the treasury is a Hispanic with parents from Mexico I, it is just my imagination...maybe..?

So yes, get your JC Penny card in SPANISH in the mail right here in America.

BTW We cancelled the account. Credit cards are a rip off and is another reason why this country is headed for a great economic fall. But the rich will put it on our backs! Buying on credit is a false economy! The government and the private citizens have got to stop this!

I have been to Latin America from where these illegals come. I speak the language. Free trade? Something is wrong. Really wrong! What happened to all those great jobs in Mexico that was going to keep the people in Mexico? Lou Dobbs gets it but the politicians think everything is just nifty.

Get your JC Penny credit card in Spanish today! No credit history or disposable income required! No faltes as we say in Spanish! Sorry for the diatribe but you know...