
Tomorrow, Sat Oct 1, is the last day that an ALIPAC contribution to the Jim Gilchrist campaign will do them any good. Our sources on the ground say they have already influenced the debate a great deal thus elevating illegal immigration as a top issue.

They also say the chances are strong that they will make it into a runoff for the top spot. They need help to pay for their Radio and TV ads.

ALIPAC will be making our final contribution to their campaign Sat at Noon PST / 3pm EST.

If you can chip in anything at all via credit card, NOW IS THE TIME. The decision will be made on what we can send in less than 24 hours.

We need some financial support from every board user that has not supported ALIPAC yet.

Please do what you can tonight and tomorrow morning. Call a family member, friend, or neighbor if you must.

We owe it to them to do all we can in these final hours.

Thank you for your support.

William Gheen
President, ALIPAC

Contribute to ALIPAC now Online ... page&pid=9