Tour Update and Latest on the Battle

Dear Friend,

Last night I returned from the first leg of the Secure America Now Tour.
What a whirlwind after hitting Iowa, we traveled 700 miles through
Arizona and New Mexico, and then flew to Reno, NV. Exhausting, yes! But
a fantastic trip! We hit four states, personally spoke with 1200
activists, and spent five hours on countless radio shows getting our
message out to hundreds of thousands of Americans.

Tom was joined by his colleague Congressman Trent Franks and a number of
state legislators for a wild press conference at the State Capital in
Phoenix. The demonstrators were out in force, but nothing Tom couldn't
handle with grace. There was a great crowd for our breakfast in Tucson,
including plenty of press and a handful of demonstrators. Randy Graf, the
TAC endorsed congressional candidate, helped us out at that affair.

Then we headed for the Horseshoe Café in Benson, Arizona, the first of
five more stops for the day, where we could hardly get through the door so
many friends had come out to greet Tom. Then onto Deming, NM where 45
people stood in a parking lot to say hello to Tom as he passed through.
By the time we reached Alamogordo, NM that night, for a town hall meeting
of over 150, Tom's voice was giving out and mine wasn't far behind.

Unfortunately Tom received the sad news that his mother had taken a turn
for the worse after a long illness and he had to fly home to be with her
in her final hours. I went onto Reno alone where I found a packed room of
270 on second floor of a casino. I explained Tom's absence, which they
certainly understood, and gave our message. The enthusiasm in that room
gave me so much hope, especially after so long a trip.

I am in the office tonight finalizing leg two. Next Monday, January 30
the Tour will start out in Atlanta, GA and move through South Carolina and
North Carolina. The details will begin to go up on our website tomorrow.

Now the most important news. The Senate will begin their immigration bill
mark-ups on February 9th. We don't have much time. I sent you a notice
from the Chamber of Commerce forwarded to me by a supporter. I wanted you
to see for yourself what their strategy is! It is exactly as I wrote to
you they will claim they are opposed to amnesty and then claim guest
worker isn't amnesty! It is pure deceit. Every guest worker plan in the
history of our country, and of the world, for that matter has turned into
amnesty! And what's more they used to call it amnesty themselves--until
the polls showed the public totally opposed to amnesty!

Please you and your friends and families and people like you across the
country are our only hope! Get on the phones and get your friends to do
the same. Call your Senators and Congressman and let them know you know
guest worker is nothing but amnesty and that you expect them to pass an
enforcement only bill. It is what America wants and they want it NOW!


Bay Buchanan
Team America PAC