I have added some zip codes for you to use in each state.
if they ask if you want a form letter back just say NO and then offer one of these zips

Grassfire staff is contacting the Senators who opposed the Bush-Kennedy amnesty bill to see how they plan on voting on the Dream Act amendment.

Whip Count Taken 9/18

Senators Supporting Dream Act:
IN Bayh
NM Bingaman

Senators Opposing Dream Act:
TN Alexander
WY Barasso
KY Bunning
NC Burr
GA Chambliss
OK Coburn
TN Corker
OK Inhofe
GA Isakson
AL Sessions
AL Shelby
LA Vitter

Senators who stated No Position:
CO Allard 81502 81005 80917 80111 80011
MT Baucus 59102 59701 59401 59230
MO Bond 65807 64055 65203 63114 65536
OH Brown 45231 44134 43606 43224
KS Brownback 67211 67401 66614 66216
WV Byrd 26544 25302 26003 25701 25801
MS Cochran 39504 39564 39530 39213 38804
MN Coleman 55912 56649 56001 55102 55442
ME Collins 04330 04240 04102 04736
ID Crapo 83709 83301 83815 83201
SC DeMint 29402 29203 29601 29407 29506
NC Dole 28226 27104 27405 27609 27707
NM Domenici 87102 88030 87901 88201 87503
ND Dorgan 5850258102 58701 58078
NV Ensign 89401 89702 89015 89030 89126
WY Enzi 82009 82609 82072 82901 82801
IA Grassley 50612 52802 50318 52501 50701
IA Harkin 50612 52802 50318 52501 50701
UT Hatch 84067 84057 84205 84102 84170
LA Landrieu 71108 71112 71202 71303 70816
MO McCaskill 65807 64055 65203 63114 65536
KY McConnell 41101 42817 40233 42262 40506
AK Murkowski 99501 99801 99701 99803
NE Nelson 68467 69361 68006 68847 68802
AR Pryor 72901 72202 71953 71635 71854
KS Roberts 67211 67401 66614 66216 67801
WV Rockefeller 26544 25302 26003 25701 25801
VT Sanders 05401 05701 05602 05451 05676
OR Smith 97520 97058 97701 97601 97208
MI Stabenow 49022 48826 48212 48230 48804 48879
AK Stevens 99501 99801 99701 99803
NH Sununu 03301 03103 03062 03063 03076
MT Tester 59102 59701 59401 59230
SD Thune 57104 57701 57401
OH Voinovich 45231 44134 43606 43224
VA Warner 23226 23701 23451 24012
VA Webb 23226 23701 23451 24012

Still Awaiting Response:
TX Cornyn use zips 75050, 76010, 75234, 77018, 77034 78228 78745
TX Hutchison use same