Latest Scott Walker outrage: GOP presidential candidate advises illegal alien to follow the law

By Doug Powers • July 20, 2015 06:56 AM
**Written by Doug Powers
This is the kind of thing that’s considered hugely controversial these days:
The horror:

As presidential hopeful Scott Walker toured a farm in this tiny town where he lived as a child, he was confronted by an undocumented worker from Mexico who is living in Wisconsin and demanded to know why Walker does not support President Obama’s plan to give temporary status to some undocumented workers, including parents of children who were born in the United States.

“We’re a nation of laws,” Walker, the Republican governor of Wisconsin, repeatedly told Jose Flores, 38, who was joined by two of his four children, Luis, 7, and Leslie, 13, who had tears rolling down her cheeks throughout the exchange. Flores, who lives in Waukesha and works for a medical supply factory, said he and his wife live in fear of being deported and separated from their children, who he said were all born in the United States.

“My point,” Walker said, “is that you have to follow the law, follow the process.”

The man — an activist (of course) — feared being deported so much that hespoke up about his illegal status at an event receiving national coverage.

If Walker next says “all lives matter” the MSM’s collective head will explode.

**Written by Doug Powers
