To any and all that are fighting this nations greatest battle, that being the giveaway of our country to corporate cheap labor open borders advocates.

I am a member of NumbersUSA, FAIR, ALIPAC, Grassfire, American Legion, GOA, and the NRA.

I have ask the NRA, the GOA, the American Legion and the AARP to show they are against the government approved invasion by taking a public stand against S. 1348 before it is to late.

Both the American Legion and the GOA have come forward against S. 1348.
The NRA has never answered my numerous emails and has never taken a stand to support our rule of law and borders against the invaders.

The AARP contacted me a told me their board meets once a year and decides what constitutes a threat to their members. I was told this even though I let them know that Social Security could go broke soon after admitting 100 million new citizens that have never paid one red cent into the system.

To all those fighting the giveaway of our country pleas contact all the organizations they belong to and ask that they stand up for Americans. I know there are lots more that I do not belong to.

The NRA and AARP are powerful organizations and should be standing up for our country, it's citizens and the rule of law. Why they are not, is puzzling and a disapointment.