Posted by Staff on July 14, 2014

The Federal Government has placed a gag order on medical personnel treating illegal immigrants as they pass over the border and seek medical care. It was only a matter of time before an American got infected with a third world ailment, but nobody thought it would be this bad.

First, it was a new and virulent form of Ebola that is ravaging through Africa and parts of the Middle East. And now, on July 11, a man from Colorado has come down with one of the rarest and most fatal forms of the pneumonic plague, setting the stage for a return of viruses so great that the world has not experienced them for nearly 100 years.

A Colorado man is infected with the rarest and most fatal form of plague, an airborne version that can be spread through coughing and sneezing.

Video Analysis below:

It is the first case of pneumonic plague seen in the state since 2004, said Jennifer House, a spokeswoman for the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.

He may have contracted the illness from his dog, she said, which died suddenly and has also been found to carry the disease. – Bloomberg

Nearly all forms of plague originate from a bacterium called Yersinia pestis, which was commonly carried by fleas and passed onto dogs, squirrels, and small rodents. However, the Pneumonic strain of Yersinia pestis is one that is transmitted through the respiratory tract, and is emitted through such actions as sneezing and coughing.

The plague has been active three times in known history, beginning first in the 2nd century and ending with its most recent attack in 1918-1919 after World War I. In every case, between 50 and 300 million people were killed, with the first case being a strong proponent for taking down the Roman and Byzantine Empires.

Sadly however, the public can never know if a plague today would be caused by a force of nature, or by a covert action done by government agencies who have incubated these deadly viruses in labs throughout the world. In fact, one agency has even gone so far as to dig up a corpse known to have succumb to the 1918 Influenza disaster, and revived it to create new strains that could be far worse than what nature let loose 100 years ago.

Additionally, the new Ebola outbreak in Africa has now risen to nearly 900 cases, with the epidemic expected to grow as infected people shun medical attention on the Dark Continent. Ebola, like AIDS, has been proven to be a man made lab concoction, and seems to primarily be directed at Africans where the majority of outbreaks occur.

It may be a coincidence, but perhaps more of an irony that the time when the pneumonic plague appears on the Continental U.S. is the very same time when hundreds of thousands of illegal third world aliens flock across the border, and are being sent to all points on the map. And with a new report of an untreatable form of Tuberculosis being discovered in several children coming here from third world countries, it is not out of the realm that the possibility of a new outbreak of formerly eradicated viruses and plagues could be just around the corner as the world’s population reaches new record highs.
