I got this from a web site from Spain. I translated if from Spanish to English for you. It is interesting to see how Spain feels their country is moving to socialist rule which also seems to coincide with what Obama and the progressive liberals are doing to this country.

This is the "Decalogue" written by Lenin in 1913. Any resemblance to what happens in the Spain of today is not coincidental.

In 1913, Lenin wrote the "Decalogue" which featured tactical actions to seize power. Any resemblance to today's day in our Spain, it is no coincidence. Reviewing the history we will see striking similarities with what we experienced in our country with the socialist rule now.

Here is what Lenin said and promoted:

1. Corrupting the youth and give sexual freedom.
2. Infiltrate and then control all mass media
3. Divide the population into antagonistic groups, prompting discussions about social issues.
4. Destroy the people's trust in their leaders.
5. Always talk about democracy and rule of law, but as opportunities arise, to take over power without any qualms.
6. Collaborate with the depletion of public funds; discredit the image of the country, especially overseas and cause panic and anxiety in the population through inflation.
7. Promote strikes, although they are illegal in the country's vital industries.
8. Promote disturbances and contribute to the constituted authorities not suppress.
9. Contribute to destroy moral values, honesty and belief in the promises of the rulers. Our parliamentarians infiltrated the democratic party should not blame the Communists, forcing them on pain of or ridicule, to vote only what is of interest to the socialist cause.
10. Record to all holders of firearms to be confiscated at the right time, making it impossible for any resistance to the cause.

http://mirdig.blogspot.com/2010/04/leni ... poder.html