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Let's Call This Man President!
By Jan Herron
Jan 15, 2007 - 11:01:51 AM

Rep. Tom Tancredo's observation of America is right on target. Not since Ronald Reagan have Americans seen a vision for our future as is shown in Tom Tancredo. Perhaps it's time the Republican Party, including the Colorado GOP try to get it together. If Rep. Tancredo throws his hat in the ring to run for President in 2008, citizens would have a true candidate with vision and understanding of what is going on in our country. Tancredo is right on target with issues concerning homeland security and our dysfunctional immigration policies. It' time voters place their country before their party affiliation, as these two issues are of high priority.

This Congress, this administration and the political elite need to pay closer attention to the well-intentioned congressman. He is not your average politician and voters are sick and tired of average politicans. Tancredo is above average. Getting his message conveyed regarding the serious issue of illegal immigration across every television and radio talk show across the country, is catching on throughout America. Who else is there in either party willing to still stand firmly in opposition to the massive illegal alien invasion? Tancredo's voice surely reflects citizens nationwide who still insist on keeping America's sovereignty. His call to remove the blatant and rampant lawlessness engendered by our current, inept politicians surely angers the politically correct, and, nothing angers the politically correct like the unvarnished truth.

It's time we "Stand by our Man". Let's call this man President