Lets take a look at the real world for a few minutes

I've followed political campaigns for years , I also have pretty good insight as to whats going to happen ,

Lets break it down into real world terms with info we have now regarding illegal immigration and other issues

Lets do a fair and balanced analysis

Ron Paul has raised a ton of money and has a ton of very vocal supporters
But the reality is he is still only polling 4-5% , All the cash in the
world will not buy him a majority support of Repubs , He has 0
chance of getting the nom , And you all know this, his
constitutional leanings are very good but his isolationist
policies are going to kill him in this race

Tom Tancredo
By far the best anti illegal candidate and my favorite, But no
name recognition and very little air time to get out the
fact that on all the issues he has the highest conservative
ratings on all the issues out of all the candidates
Hopefully he will become a leader in the fight after he
withdraws and finishes his house term, he will be someone we
can rally around as head of a national anit org

Duncan Hunter
Built the border fence in San Deigo and is a great candidate but
Is getting 0 traction and will go nowhere

John Edwards
A baffoon for open borders and amensty , 0 chance

Mitt Romney
Has some problems to overcome with his religion and
globalist tendencies , By far has the best record on immigation
out of all the so called "front runners" but has past actions
to back up his tough on illegals stance

Juan McCain
What needs to be said , supports amnesty

Hillary Clinton
Again , what needs to be said
Open borders and amnesty supporter

Supports amnesty , supports virtual over a real fence , actually
went to the supreme court to keep NY a sanctuary city

Fred Thompson
Talks tough , but hired Spencer Abrahams to work on his campaign
Abrahams never met an amnesty he didn't like , Fred talks tough
Seems to me he is having trouble staying awake most places
I've seen him , I don't think he is going anywhere
You will have to make your own decisions ,

the election of 2008 is the one that matters because it can be the difference of keeping America or allowing us to be annexed to mexico