I believe this has been brought up before, but it's a good idea so I shall bring it up again.

I wish Alipac had a separate forum where we all could post our own best letters against the invasion, with the understanding that these letters could be copied, in whole or part, and used by any one of us to educate others?

Sometimes I just don't feel very creative or am too tired to think, (like right now) and yet a perfect opportunity exists to write to a newspaper or some city official. What do I do? I certainly don't want to plagiarize material from Malkin or Dobbs or others who guard their copyrights.

A letter "bank: would be a wonderful thing where we don't have to scroll through hundreds of posts to find something suitable. It could be subdivided into letters on different topics to do with illegals. Something to send to newspapers, reworded, with your own additions if you want. I think that would save time and energy.

But I have another reason to see a letter bank here. Consider these facts.

The president and his cabal doesn't care about stopping the invasion.
Many of our elected reps, federal, county, state, city also don't care unless they are up for reelection and we make a very loud noise.
There are many groups similar to Alipac working to stop illegals from making themselves at home here and popping out new "citizens".
There are enough conservative talk shows, TV commentators, online videos, blogs, books written etc. to give coverage to this threat facing our nations.

But even so, there are still too many people who have no opinion, or a favorable opinion of illegals. Some will never change their mind because they have a blood connection, or a financial gain. Some are ill informed through indoctrination from schools, friends, neighborhood, parents etc. Some just don't see the problem--yet. They may never have been exposed to the truth about the invasion. WE CAN CHANGE THAT!

So what if---- We searched out a post in the Alipac letter bank that was right to the point: why we shouldn't allow our country to get taken over, or why illegals cost us so much, etc. And then we print out a few dozen copies (one page letters best) and just casually "leave them around" wherever we go? Fold your letter up a few times, maybe put it in a blank envelope. Leave it on a bench in the park, a laundromat, a video rental store, etc.
Yes, some will fall into wrong hands and end up in the wastebasket, but I bet even those will get passed around first.

People are curious creatures. And some may find their minds are changed by opening an envelope I intentionally "forgot" at the mall food court " Why patriots are not racists" or "The truth about La Raza" or "Is your husband going to be replaced by someone who will work cheaper".

If this sounds like proselytizing, you're right. It is.