Until you get serious with immigration reform, don't count on my vote. We need a wall across our whole southern boarder and a full sweep and clear of all illegals in our state and our country. Only then will I support a guest worker plan. As an elected official, you must comply with the wishes of the people. You must support how the people vote. Don't do your own thing because you believe it is a just cause. You MUST support the will of the people and more and more that will is building a WALL between our country and Mexico. That will is also in full support of prop. 200. Why is it that illegal children crowd our schools but proof of citizenship isn't required to attend? I don't want to pay for them anymore and I shouldn't have to. I am angry and frustrated, Mr. McCain as are many of your citizens. Remember who you work for.

They only gave me so much space to write down my thoughts. I had to cram alot in there so it might not sound as eloquent as I'd like but it said what I wanted it to say in so many words. It seems like I am writing more of these and calling up alot more of these guys than I used to. I don't know if it's just that I'm getting older and have nothing better to do or maybe I'm just getting more frustrated at the situation. Maybe I'm just getting bolder.

Nope...I'm pretty sure it's all about frustration.