Quote Originally Posted by alamb
Absolutely agree with you azwreath. It is high time we "get in their faces" stand by the line we have drawn in the sand and make sure they hear ALL of us, the majority of this country and i mean louder, much louder, then them!

I could not agree more!!

We have to remember that WE are still the MAJORITY in this country which, IMO, people tend to forget after decades of being beaten over the head by the PC Police and indoctrinated to believe the twisted version of the laws and truth put forth by the likes of La Raza, "community organizers" like obama, and the rest of that ilk.........all lent alleged "credence" by the display of the masses marching in our streets making their demands and sending the false message of "See? There are too many of us. WE outnumber you and you cannot win"

It's all smoke and mirrors. A very carefully crafted campaign of layered propaganda meant to discourage Americans from fighting back believing that the battle is forever lost.

BS!! The REALITY is much different, as is the reality that......with our situation being so critical for so many, a situation which can be greatly minimized IF illegal aliens and special interests are knocked off their high horses....Americans are just NOT going tolerate anymore.

I honestly believe that this administration, the special interests, and illegal aliens are going to find themselves facing a very formidable rebellion of angry Americans.

Oh......and I'd also like to add that, when at all possible, in contacting our alleged reps in government, we should do it by snail mail. They are now simply ignoring emails and faxes.

They should NOT be let off the hook with the half truth excuse of inaction because they never saw or heard anything from US!!!