LETTER: On illegals, politicians jockey for votes
March 28, 2007 1:16 PM

I am so sick of hearing about the raid in New Bedford. These immigrants are law breakers, and have no one to blame but themselves for the perils they have bestowed upon their families. I also feel sorry for the children, but people who break the law have to suffer the consequences.

All the senators and congressmen in Massachusetts — and all are Democrats — that are trying to blame the federal agents for causing such an uprooting of these families are just looking for that almighty vote from the legal immigrants and the people that feel sorry for everything from stepping on an ant on up.

These so-called lawmakers are so hungry to stay in their elected seats they would sell their soles to the devil for it. I have no problem with anybody wanting a better life for their family, but they need to do it legally. If we let everyone come through our borders because they want to have a better life, then we would be worse off than China with overpopulation. Is this what you bleeding hearts want for your future?

The bottom line is that the federal agents and law enforcement did their jobs, and that is to gather up all illegals and deport them. If I wanted to make a better life for my family because I am poor, and rob a bank, should I be set free because I was doing it to better my family's life? Of course not.

This is just another ploy to try and embarrass the president and the Republican party. I am sure that if it was a Democratic president in office now, that our Democratic lawmakers in this state would be praising the excellent job our federal agents have done.

William Gordon

New Bedford

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