Dear Conservative Friend,

I am asking that you look over a copy of a letter that I just sent to President George W. Bush. We need to act quickly.

It details how the Justice Department – unbelievably - is granting immunity to a drug smuggler, while prosecuting the two U.S. Border Patrol Agents who were trying to stop him at the border!

This outrageous prosecution does nothing but tie the hands of our border patrol and prevent them from securing America against a flood of illegal immigrants, drugs, counterfeit goods and quite possibly, terrorists. This situation is wrong, and it cries out for oversight.

If you believe, as I do, that we need to act now to stop this injustice, please help get the word out and forward a copy of this letter to your concerned friends - and please join me in this fight for America!

Congressman Walter B. Jones (NC)

Letter to President George W. Bush:

Dear President Bush:

I am writing to you with deep concern over the Justice Department's unacceptable prosecution of two U.S. Border Patrol agents who were simply doing their jobs to protect our homeland.

Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Alonso Compean should have been commended by our government for their actions last year in attempting to apprehend a Mexican drug smuggler who brought nearly 800 pounds of marijuana across our border. But because of an incomprehensible prosecution by the U.S. Attorney's Office - including granting full immunity to the smuggler so he could testify against our agents - these men now face 20-year prison sentences for firing shots at the fleeing smuggler, who they believed carried a gun. The smuggler - who received complete medical care at William Beaumont Army Medical Center in El Paso, Texas - is now suing the Border Patrol for $5 million for violating his civil rights!

(If you don’t agree with drug smuggler’s being treated better than U.S. Border Patrol agents then I need your help!)

The Justice Department's outrageous prosecution does nothing but tie the hands of our Border Patrol and prevent them from securing America against a flood of illegal immigrants, drugs, counterfeit goods and quite possibly, terrorists. This demoralizing prosecution puts the rights of illegal alien drug smugglers ahead of our homeland security and undermines the critical mission of better enforcing current immigration laws. These two agents should not be made scapegoats for our government's enforcement failures.

(Help me fight illegal immigration and the invasion of our country!)

I am pleased that the House Judiciary Committee has recognized the need for a thorough review of this case by calling for Congressional hearings and an investigation of the Department of Homeland Security, Office of the Inspector General, U.S. Customs and Border Patrol and the U.S. Attorney's Office. In the meantime, I strongly urge your Administration and the Department of Justice to reopen the case against agents Ramos and Compean.

Mr. President, please assure the American people that those who commit crimes in our country will not be protected by the federal government.


Walter B. Jones
Member of Congress

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