Dear Dianne:

I am honored by your support and generous and thoughtful contribution. Thanks to you and thousands of people like you, I can continue the fight in Washington for border security and immigration reform.

Recently, the House of Representatives passed the most important border enforcement legislation in the last 100 years. However, it is not yet law. The legislation is now being debated in the United States Senate. The Senate Judiciary Committee approved the Kennedy-McCain amnesty bill dishonestly called a guest-worker bill. It is a horrible open borders bill. Fortunately, there were enough senators that felt your pressure that as of today Kennedy-McCain has been stopped.

Please continue to write and call every senator that you can and also the leadership in both the Senate and the House. I have enclosed a list of the senator's addresses and phone numbers for your convenience. Also, the Republican House leadership is as follows:

Speaker of the House
J. Dennis Hastert
235 Cannon HOB
Washington, DC

Majority Leader
John A. Boehner
1011 Longworth HOB
Washington, DC

Majority Whip
Roy Blunt
217 Cannon HOB
Washington, DC

For your information, Numbers USA provides an excellent website to monitor the progress of immigration legislation. The website is .

Once again, thank you very much for all you have done for me.

Best wishes,

Tom Tancredo

Let's get to work and bombard these people with e mails and phone calls. He then attached a list of the 109th Congress.