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Letters, faxes, and e-mail

Saturday, August 06, 2005

I'm tired of being controlled, licensed, regulated, registered, overtaxed, watched, screened, questioned, searched, tolled, imposed upon and interfered with, by a nosy government which was designed to be limited and with checks and balances.

I'm weary of hearing the dialectic, politically correct clichés, "it's for the children," "it's to stop terrorism," "it's for your own good, to protect you or to make you more secure" and "we're the government and we are only here to help."

I'm angry about our open borders and amnesty for illegal aliens, the unconstitutional Federal Reserve and its worthless fiat/paper/computer money, government give-aways and unlimited spending, a mis- and dis-information media/free press owned by the international one-world banksters, and the government-funded and sanctioned killing of the helpless and innocent unborn.

I'm also angry about the embracing of unholy sodomite marriages, starting and fighting unconstitutional/imperialistic wars around the world in the false name of democracy; government embracing and funding of the United Nations with its evil agendas to destroy our sovereignty, free speech and property rights (the very cornerstone of liberty);the passing of unconstitutional, Draconian bills, laws, treaties and executive orders by cookie-cutter; neo-con politicians who no longer represent the good interest and welfare of the people; the unconstitutional government public school pagan seminaries, the 501-c-3 government-controlled churches, and on and on.

This is no longer America. All that is necessary for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing. None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who think they are free.

