I sent this to my senator. If you like, use it. This is the best I can write.

I am writing your office to demand that you reject the latest amnesty bill our so called representatives have concocted. The American public is not fooled by a con job when it sees one, and certainly not this American. It reeks of the old bait and switch: give them a terrible bill, backpedal, and then pass merely a bad one. The fact remains that these illegal aliens’ first act on American soil was breaking American law. Another fact is that, due to the actions of illegal aliens in our country, 25 legal Americans meet their deaths every single day. Since 9/11, that comes to 51,000 and counting. These deaths did not have to happen.

There is much talk of reform, but the reality has not changed. Presidente Bush wants to get rid of illegals, so he makes them legal and talks of a nonexistent fence. That sounds similar to having your house robbed and finding an IOU. The unalterable fact is that this is the land of plenty, not the land of infinity. Illegals clog our schools; they overwhelm our medical services; they are of divided loyalty. They have not even asked to be American citizens – they have simply demanded and taken. A volume could not fill the ways that illegals drain this country of its resources, its cohesion, and its commonality. Only a fool or a bureaucrat would claim these people deserve citizenship.

I ask respectfully that you reject any compromise on immigration. Amnesty for one generation is rationale for another twenty years down the road. Reagan showed us that. The question is: will you stop the bleeding? Will you protect our sovereignty? Only by rejecting this compromise in immigration will you show your constituents where your loyalty lies: to your country, or to an undertow of unsustainable pity/greed. You know what your constituents want. Represent us, and reject this compromise.
