I am doing this at the risk of being bashed and being labeled a troll before I ever get my first response. I have been perusing this site for a few days and have read quite a few posts which have piqued my interest and prompted me to ask some questions. Before I ask, however, let me be as forthright as possible.

I am justfred - and have been for over a decade. I have a history with at least one poster on this board, and it was (probably still is) an adversarial one. I am not here to pick fights, just to ask and read and hopefully get a better understanding.

I get the fact that illegal immigration is illegal and for that reason, it should not be tolerated.

I get the fact that illegals use emergency rooms as primary care stations, which puts a burden on the healthcare system and causes potential problems for those who are supposed to be treating true emergencies.

I get the fact that some illegals don't get drivers licenses and/or insurance and that is a problem.

I get the fact that the children of illegals put a burden on our educational system and, in some cases, the welfare rolls.

I get the fact that some illegals come here for criminal activity.

However, illegal immigration and all the accompanying concerns have been happening since I was a child, and I am almost fifty - which doesn't make it right, but does cause me to be skeptical that it is a problem which must be dealt with immediately and with such priority that it should preclude many other problems we have in this country.

On the other hand, you all seem to think that it is the #1 issue facing our country today, and that I don't get. I think it is less important than the record deficits. I think it is less important than the Orwellian state of constant undeclared war we seem to be in. I think it is less important than tax reform. I think it is less important than election reform. I think it is less important than reconciling the difference between our elected leadership is telling us and what my eyes and reason tell me.

So, I would appreciate it if you would take your time and explain to me why this is so much more important than the other issues which face our country.

Thank you for your time.