Letters to the Editor 1/19/2007 - 1/21/2007
One crazy country

New Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa says he wants to lead an "economic revolution" in Ecuador by renegotiating foreign debt and "paying what we can after attending to the needs of the poor" (Jan 16). Boy, I hope so. But Latin American leaders are always saying that and nothing ever changes.

In Mexico, Felipe Calderon is launching a jobs program to "stem the flow" of young Mexicans to the United States. But in Mexico, the problem isn't too few jobs, but too few jobs that pay enough to keep people from leaving. To create well-paying jobs, Mexico would have to tax its wealthiest citizens, a mission impossible since Mexico is owned and operated by its wealthiest citizens (a model the United States is quickly adopting).

In the meantime, American communities are drowning in economic refugees who displace low-skilled American workers and soak up public resources like a sponge. But George Bush and the Republicrats want to abolish our immigration laws and call it reform while plotting to admit millions more poor people who have an intense interest in the dollar but not the slightest interest in becoming American. This is one crazy country my father immigrated to.

Doug Bell

Rancho Penasquitos

Keep up the good work

Kudos to the North County Times for the two brief exposes disclosing the cost of illegal immigration to our city, Jan. 7 and last summer. Now that you have given us a glimpse, how about more in-depth coverage of the total cost, which would include crime to persons and property, the overburdening of our schools, the impact on our hospital emergency rooms and the increased stress on infrastructures and our social service network.

I would also like to see an investigation into area swap meets, where I understand fraudulent driver's licenses and passports can be procured at a nominal cost.

Noralee Sherwood


Border Patrol agents should have been pardoned

With the grave potential of an invasion of terrorists ever so serious in the U.S., I find it unbelievable that the Department of Homeland Security would seek out an illegal drug smuggler who was shot in the (rear) and take his word over that of the two agents who were there putting their life on the line for our security.

The only thing that comes to mind is O.J. Simpson. The jury was not privy to all of the relevant information. Therefore, based on what they knew, they found O.J. innocent. I can only suspect that based on what we don't know, the two agents were found guilty. It disappoints me that the White House refuses to get involved and pardon these two brave soldiers.

This is the major milestone intruders were looking for, the destruction of our security force, thanks to George W. Bush signing a pact with the devil and turning a blind eye to his own country.

Raymond Newberry


Throw money at seniors, not undocumented

I am a retired senior citizen and I am upset about this issue. As a retired senior, I am not entitled to free medical care, free food, living assistance, or much of anything. Illegal immigrants get everything free, plus they have the might of all the civil rights organizations behind them. They get welfare, credit cards for food, which can also be converted to cash if they would prefer to buy beer and cigarettes. Where is my free credit card?

The politicians tell us that our Social Security funds, which we worked all of our lives for, are now in serious jeopardy because illegal immigrants can now access these funds, even if they are not qualified, and the government will even pay death benefits to their relatives who do not even live in this country.

I would like to see this money our congressmen are throwing at these illegal and undocumented immigrants be directed at our own senior citizens, who could use a little help. Since when do we reward crime and punish law-abiding Americans?

Richard Everett

San Marcos

The last illegal immigrant

This may sound off the wall, but it's a rather simple way of ending illegal immigration. Back up a jumbo jet and put each illegal in it for a trip to Iraq. They can do kitchen duties and menial tasks there (just like here).

Word of this will quickly end the desire to head to the United States for fear of the final destination.

Leonard Berlow


U.S. government shamed by agents' prosecution

I don't think that George Bush is the worst president in modern times, but I am sure that his presiding over the federal government during the trial, conviction and imprisonment of U.S. Border Patrol Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean in El Paso is the worst thing a president has done, and I can't think of a close second.

What's the difference between this and the situation several years ago, when U.S. military aviators cut a ski lift cable in Italy, sending several people to their death? They were, ostensibly, carrying out their duties; they made a mistake several times more serious than Compean's and Ramos', yet I don't remember them being tried in federal court for manslaughter.

The U.S. government has, for all practical purposes, ruined the lives of these men and their families, wiped them out financially, left their young children without a father for the next decade ---- all over an event that could have easily been dealt with internally. This is absolutely shameful, and the president bears that shame.

Hal Schillinger


Escondido's reputation ruined

OK, OK, we get it. Marie Waldron, Sam Abed and Ed Gallo have a personal agenda. [They] have already proved that [they] don't need to pass more hateful and doomed-to-pass resolutions. [They've] already ruined Escondido's reputation. What's their next resolution, no Mexican food?

Waldron should take her traveling hate show, and the Minutefew, out of here. She is not wanted in Escondido or anywhere.

Enrique Morones

San Diego

NCT writer -accused of bias

I have read many of your editorials and news stories on the subject of illegal immigration. While I respect your right to express editorial opinions, I am compelled to point out that one of your reporters does not seem to know the difference between editorial opinions and factual reporting. Specifically, Edward Sifuentes has reported many incorrect so-called facts in your paper. From articles on the Vista day labor site, to McGonigle Canyon and his recent hit piece on San Diego Minutemen leader Jeff Schwilk, Sifuentes has used hearsay and innuendo to (disparage) his opponents and further his obvious bias in favor of certain law breakers in our society, namely the illegal invaders from Mexico.

He needs to do some fact checking and leave his personal bias out of his reporting. I challenge Mr. Sifuentes to report on the government-funded, Hispanic-only organizations such as La Raza (the race) and MEChA, whose motto is "For the race, everything, and for those outside the race, nothing." Please report on their plans for reconquista and the creation of Aztlan.

Mark Becker

