Liberal analyst on MSNBC: 'The Obama era is over'

By T. Becket Adams | November 5, 2014 | 2:12 am

Topics: Beltway Confidential Barack Obama Senate MSNBC 2012 Elections 2014 Elections Chris Matthews 2014 Midterms
Beltway Confidential,Opinion,Barack Obama,Senate,MSNBC,2012 Elections,2014 Elections,Chris Matthews,Becket Adams,2014 Midterms

President Obama is not even preparing for a political world in which Republicans control both the... Republican lawmakers have done so well in the Nov. 4 midterm elections that it’s safe to say at this point that the era or President Obama is over -- or so says the Huffington Post’s Howard Fineman.
Fineman’s comments were prompted by a question from MSNBC’s Chris Matthews.
“Which party has the spark right now?” Matthews asked.
“Oh, the Republican Party for sure,” Fineman responded. “The Dems have to reinvent themselves all over again. The Obama era is over.”