Liberal Trayvon Martin Protester Berated For Bringing Up LGBT “Oppression” During Rally: “This Is Not About No Damn LGBT… No Gay Shit”…

It’s only homophobic when white people say it.

Via The Blaze:

A protester who mentioned the “oppression” of the LGBT community at a pro-Trayvon Martin rally in Washington, D.C., over the weekend was chastised by a female demonstrator for mingling the two causes. “This is about a black kid getting shot down because he was black, not no gay sh*t!” she said. [...]

“We get capitalism, we get white supremacy, we get homophobia and LGBTQ oppression,” he added.” We’ve got to change that, and if there’s any question about, do we have democracy in this country, I think the case of Trayvon Martin answers that question very clearly.”

Immediately following his comments, another pro-Trayvon Martin protester took the megaphone and angrily dismissed any correlation between Martin’s death and LGBT rights.

“I would just like to say, this is not about no damn LGBT, it ain’t about none of that bullsh*t about that sir, I’m sorry,” she says in the video. “This is about a black kid getting shot down because he was black, not no gay sh*t. None of that!”

Keep reading w/video…

ZIP | July 15, 2013 4:28 pm