I live in a small town in Indiana, of about 28,000 people, about 13% of which are Mexican. Many are here legally, but so many more are not legal. Many work here at jobs American could be hired to do, but many are also importing guns, drugs, and violence to our small community - perhaps not the working ones, but the ones who follow, without the intention of performing manual labor.

There is a company here, meat-processor Tyson, that employs these illegals - many of them. The company has been fines twice in the past four years for this, but the illegals have never been removed. The second time, the company threatened to go out of business, saying they could not afford to pay such a hefty fine (we talking roughly &70- $80,000 here) - which not true for such a large company.

What makes me angry is that this company could very well employ hundreds of out-of-work Americans who live here and are on assistance, but they choose to hire illegals (proven) instead.

What gives here? The local government does not want to lose Tyson, and helped them make a deal so they would not have to pay the fine. They didn't pay, the illegals are still working there, running roughshod over this town's legal inhabitants, and the company is still in business!

But this is not the only company here, though, who employs illegals. My friend works at a second local company and she was astounded when a Mexican man she worked with began the job as one person, then, several months later, became a different person, with new credentials - ss card, id, etc. The man did not lose his job, his paycheck was switched to the new name, and he kept his benefits, no questions asked! Not only did she witness the check and credentials with her own eyes, but he admitted to her that he is illegal at lunch on day. How do they get away with this? She saw this with her own eyes, and we are talking very recently here!

What can we do????????????