Ok, I need to use an example that is a touchy subject to some people. That is , how exactly do we deport 20 million people? The example is: From 1938-1945 Hitler tried his damnest to rid europe of jews, there were approximatly 11 million and he had the most incredibly viciouse, ruthless, murderouse bunch who ever lived working on it 7-24.
Six million was the final number...a fraction of what we are dealing with from mexico. Make no mistake, this is going to be ALOT more difficult because we are NOT as rotten as hitler was. We need a workable plan to make them all want to leave... like maybe one million dollar fine to ANYONE hiring an illegal and or 5 full years in prison? I don't have an answer, but we do need to think about the logistics of exactly how to deal with TWENTY MILLION illegals living in this country and sucking it dry.

"I never retreat Freddy, I don't like paying for the same real estate twice"

Gen. George S. Patton