Lone Protester- Absolute Insanity Reigns in Washington

There is one very good thing about the Wall Street/politicians bailout fiasco currently going on in Washington. This bailout is happening at a very convenient time for us to vote these jackasses out of office for good. These guys are digging their holes deeper as new information about the causes of this fiasco hits the internet every day. A stream is becoming a river that is soon going to be a tidal wave of anger when we go to the polls in November with the thought forefront in our minds that these sleazy politicians have sold us out once again to companies whose god is the almighty dollar. We are going to be forced to mortgage our grandchildren’s future to save the asses of a bunch of greedy parasites that can’t see past a hundred dollar bill.
Our politicians are actually going to give these crooks 700 billion on the pretense of saving the republic and our economy and everything we hold dear. Well, I hate to tell them that it is their insane policies and their egotistical attitudes that have brought us to this point in the first place. We have been screaming at them for years to fix our problems but greed always took first place. Anymore, the only things that I hold dear about this country is its Constitution and its people and to hell with Washington, Wall Street and all their insane policies. It is the people of this country that needs help and not crooks that should have know better.
I do not know about you but I say let them pay for their own mistakes, if the only way they can maintain their high rarified existence is on the backs of We the People then they should be nothing but a footnote in the dustbin of history. Both the crooks and the politicians. Their insane policies have brought us to this. Their refusal to enforce our laws brought about an illegal alien population of about 38 million. Their encouragement of hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens to take out subprime mortgages on property they couldn’t afford and legally buy has a lot to do with this Wall Street crisis. (See sources below). But our politicians, being the sneaky, slithering worms that they are, stay away from this fact. What jobs they haven’t shipped overseas are stolen from American workers and given to illegals under the aegis of our politicians and administration.
Their lopsided policies have almost bankrupted this country and you do not hear an apology from them. We only hear that they need another 700 billion for a disaster of their own making. So I say on election day make them pay for the destruction they have wreaked upon this great country and people. Tar and feather and run them out of Washington on their asses because they deserve nothing less. The direction of this country needs to be changed, badly. We cannot expect that change from our politicians because they are determined to run us off the cliff for their sacred agendas which doesn’t represent the American people.


http://article.nationalreview.com/?q=MD ... GU4OTAyZDA


http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/co ... 01323.html

http://www.foxnews.com/video/index.html ... d=playlist

http://www.dailynewscaster.com/2008/09/ ... rtial-law/

http://articles.latimes.com/2007/oct/08 ... e-housing8