Lone Protester- Greatness
I have been to the island of Corregidor twice. It is tadpole shaped, four kilometers long and sits in the mouth of Manila Bay. World War II veterans called it Fortress Corregidor because it was armed to the teeth. The battle that was fought for this little piece of real estate was hellacious. It was the last island in the Philippine chain to surrender to the Japanese. When you step onto that island you step back into history. Every battle position is exactly like it was the day we took in back in 1945. Huge 51 ton guns, dismounted from battleships, are still in their cradles. They were called disappearing guns because the recoil would collapse the barrel after each firing. Most of them survived the bombardment because the Japanese could not locate them. Malinta Tunnel also survived because it was inside the base of a small mountain. It was the headquarters of General MacArthur and the president of the Philippine Islands, Manuel Quezon. Everything else was destroyed in a constant five month bombing campaign. The mile long barracks, the officer’s quarters and the post theater are hollow shells now. That little island lives in the annals of military history because of the bravery of the American and Filipino soldiers that fought there. Most of their names are inscribed on plaques beside their positions.

Contrast that generation with ours. We remain a nation of fighters but our leaders would not make good wet nurses for that generation. American soldiers are in harm’s way and here are our leaders sucking up to the people killing them. In Washington we have a bunch of spineless weasels who cloak themselves in the American flag while they stab her in the back. These guys would not have survived Corregidor. They would have thrown themselves to the mercy of the Japanese who would have cut their heads off. Our World War II leaders saved the world and the present crop has bankrupted it.The World War II generation was our finest bar none. They saved the world from invasion while ours actively encourages one. Ours has pretensions of greatness while that one was the epitome of it.

The grassroots in this country are slowly forming because of this lack of responsible leadership. Last night I attended a local meeting of a 912 group in Columbia. I listened to an invited Republican candidate speak about how we need to put them back into power so they can cure all of our ills. Happiness and peace will rule throughout the land and there will be a chicken or burrito on every table. She forgets that it was under the eight year watch of her party that the destruction of our values accelerated. The people in that group are for limited government, enforcement of our laws and a return to the tenets that made this nation great. Her party lost power simply because they would not understand that.

These groups are forming because we have given up on our conservative leaders. They betray us and expect us to follow them. They speak one way and their actions another. And we are tired of them. I predict that in the 2010 election cycle a lot of new conservative candidates are going to come from these grassroots organizations. I see the evidence in the 912 group I belong to. These guys are fighters and are mad as hell at what is being done to this country and they are coming together everywhere. Our politicians ignore them at their own peril. They want to continue the status quo while we will accept nothing less than a return to the values of our founding fathers. We demand greatness and they espouse mediocrity. We want a bright shining future like our World War II veterans guaranteed and not just hollow words from politicians that do not have a clue.