Lone Protester- When Do We Win?

It must have been a proud moment for the soldiers of the Continental Army as their as units lined both sides of the major route out of Yorktown in 1781. Because marching up the road between them was the British Redcoats under General Cornwallis, in defeat. They had beaten the best army in the world, but had lost almost every battle leading up to it. They had went through Valley Forge, years of endless marching, fighting, hunger, and every other depredation known to man. But they had two things going for them, damn fine leaders, and not knowing when to quit. And in the end they won because of it.
Those are the odds we face today. It seems like almost every avenue is closed to us, except our voices. We demand that we want all of our laws enforced and they ignore us. We demand that our borders be closed and they ignore us. We demand that something be done about the millions of illegal aliens in this country and they respond with trying to give them amnesty. We shout to our political leaders and they respond by giving millions of our taxpayer dollars to LaRaza and NCLR. I shout to my senator Lindsey Graham and he calls me and millions of other American patriots bigots and racists. Barack Obama says that this election is about bringing 12 million people out of the shadows. His opponent, John McCain is the godfather of comprehensive immigration reform.
Almost every law enforcement agency in this country selects the laws they will enforce. They would rather listen to their political leaders instead of the people. Mayors declare their cities sanctuaries for millions of illegal aliens and ignore our voices. Our justice system has failed the American people. Most of our judges and prosecutors ignore all the laws being broken. Our Supreme Court remains silent on the rights as granted to American citizens under the US Constitution. Our current president would rather secure the borders of other countries than his own.
Now tell me, is this impossible odds? Is this not enough to make you want to run for cover, to put your head in the ground, like an ostrich? What government institution is on our side? The FBI? How many sheriff’s offices? Police departments? Homeland Security? Senators? Representatives? Mayors? City councils? Courts? Name one institution.
There are none, pure and simple. Our entire political structure, executive, legal and justice systems are arrayed against us. Our newspapers, radio and television stations shut us up then cry to us about the problems illegal aliens experience as they steal jobs from American citizens. Our hospitals go bankrupt treating criminals and refuse American citizens. Our courts are overloaded, our schools are hopeless but nobody listens to the American people. 30 illegal aliens protest something Michael Savage says and who does our government listen to? Why the 30 illegals of course, because the Constitutional rights of 300 million American citizens does not matter to our politicians and courts anymore.
Is this not impossible odds? Is this not what those soldiers of George Washington and Nathaniel Greene went through? The hopelessness? Think of that winter at Valley Forge, soldiers without shoes, without food or shelter. Without a hope because the world was against them. That is the way that I feel. My own government has forgotten me, the American citizen, because there are more important things to consider. Like their political careers, and to hell with what 85% of Americans want and demand, it is the needs of criminals that they will listen to. The rights of companies that employ illegal aliens are sacrosanct while they will throw me in jail if I protest one of them. If I scream about the wrongs done to my business by criminal employers and their illegal workers, my protest sign is jerked out of my hands by a cop that chooses to enforce one law and ignore 6 others. And all under the orders of his politically correct superiors.
So, when do we win? The odds are against us, just like those Continental soldiers. Our leaders do not listen, our law enforcement will not enforce our laws. Our judges and courts close their eyes and ears to us, even though they were put there to defend our rights by our Constitution, but everyone and every institution chooses to ignore it because that is the politically correct way. The rights of the people must be put aside because the rights of the criminals that have invaded us are all important. The presumed rights of their employers must take precedence over the rights of the American citizen as guaranteed under the US Constitution and that is the over riding factor. The almighty dollar must rule and to hell with the rights of the American citizen. Our future has been decided and we must kneel to our fate.
Just like those soldiers of the Continental Army, they should have kneeled before the best army in the world because there was no hope. They faced impossible odds, read the history of our country. But they refused, they fought them with hand and fist, rocks, guns, and anger. And they won! They took on the best military in the world and handed their asses to them. When those British soldiers departed Yorktown, their eyes were on the ground because they knew they had been beaten by a ragtag army that did not know how to quit.
So, when do we win? Even though I have lost faith in my politicians, leaders, prosecutors, law enforcement, judges and every other institution known to America, I have faith in the American people because they know for a fact that this country belongs to them and not a certain political group, because those politicians have forgotten us. Our rights might not mean anything to our prosecutors, judges, mayors and politicians, but I have found out that they mean everything to us, the American citizen. Certain of our laws might not mean anything to our law enforcement agencies but they mean everything to us because we experience, every day, the havoc of their non-enforcement. We watch millions of criminals invade our country, we watch employers by the thousands that choose to neglect our laws. And we will remember.
Someday, we will win. Our voices will become louder because millions more Americans will join us. The shoe will be on the other foot. Every law will be enforced and every criminal, whether you knew it or not will be prosecuted. Ignorance of the law will no longer be an excuse. Someday, we will win, because I have faith in the American people. And the people’s faith is in the Constitution, a document that every politician and every institution would rather disregard. A document that is holy to Americans, but just a piece of paper to career politicians and criminals who worry about themselves instead of the American people. Someday, we will win, if there is a God in heaven.