posted at 11:36 am on September 7, 2010 by Ed Morrissey

Why not? The Obama administration has made their disinterest in pursuing prosecution for illegal immigration known well enough by now. Why not have ICE just instruct law enforcement agencies around the country to ignore it altogether? KGUN in Arizona has the reaction from local law-enforcement officials — including those opposed to the state’s new enforcement law — to the new policy that ICE is considering:

Letting illegal immigrants go free? Hard to believe but that could be the new federal mandate if a proposed ICE policy change is approved.

Here’s the idea: If authorities pull someone over for a traffic stop and discover they are in the country illegally, authorities would be forced to let the illegal immigrant go without calling federal agents unless the individual is a convicted felon.

Even officers opposed to SB 1070 say this would set a bad precedent. …

Even Santa Cruz County Sheriff Tony Estrada, who leaned strongly against SB 1070, thinks this sort of federal policy change is suspect. “It is surprising they would make that decision. I would suspect once an individual is identified as being here illegally, some process would kick in…that would deport that person,â€