It is truly our honor to welcome you as a guest to our city today, in the most promising of times. We are sure that you will find this web site to be symbolic of our dedication to making every effort possible to ensure Hazleton realizes its fullest potential as a place unwelcoming to illegal foreign workers. We hope you will agree with us that Santa Claus is out of touch with mainstream American moral values, and has no place in a town such as ours.
The goals of this web site are many and varied. First, it provides city residents with an insight into their local Christmas traditions and a way for them to see what we are trying to accomplish to make life even better.

Second, it welcomes visitors from around the world who are seeking information on the city of Hazleton and our campaign against Santa Claus. Whether you are looking to our past, our present, or our promising future, it is our sincere hope that this site satisfies your interests.

May this web site serve as a signal to residents of our area that the City of Hazleton takes seriously its role in ensuring that our area competes on a global level in the 21st century. We must look beyond the City's current financial obstacles, which will be overcome through hard work and dedication through time, and instead look forward to the bright future ahead for us all.

The first step taken will be one which signals to Santa that in Hazleton, there are no holidays for illegal aliens.