Somebody's gotta say it and Neal Boortz will!!


Felipe Calderon had his press conference with President Bush yesterday, and it's clear who wears the pants in our relationship with Mexico. Some interesting tidbits came out in the meeting with the media...such as Calderon has family in the United States, supposedly legally. And illegal aliens send $20 billion back to their country from the United States. Hmmmmmm ... I wonder if that's after-tax money? There are also some interesting statistics about the Mexican invasion of America.

One in 10 Mexican citizens lives in the U.S. Repeat ... 1 in 10! Half of the 4 million people that live in Calderon's home state are here in the United States. The $20 billion they send home is second only to oil revenue as the #1 national source of income. Unbelievable. At yesterday's press conference, Calderon lied, when speaking about the illegals: "We want them to come back; we want them to find jobs here in Mexico. We miss them. These are our best people. These are bold people, they're young, they're strong, they're talented." Uh-huh....right. He forgot to add that they're also criminals. All of them. Every single Mexican who illegally crosses into the U.S. is a criminal.

Oh ... and don't forget that these criminal aliens are responsible for about 25 deaths a day in this country .. half by violent crime and half by drunk driving.

If all of the illegal aliens in the United States went back to Mexico (a scenario we can only dream about,) then Mexico wouldn't get the $20 billion, plus Mexico would then have a huge social services problem trying to take care of them. And despite all of this, there stands President Bush at the press conference...agreeing with everything Calderon says. In fact, Bush opposes the border fence and wants to give amnesty to all of the illegals in the United States.

It's now evident that Mexico runs our border policy...not us. The corrupt Mexican politicos tells us to jump...we ask how high. They complain about our border fence, Bush runs down to Mexico City and puckers up. [[b]Pathetic!!!!