I was just scrolling through some of the older news stories, and I can't tell you how many sob stories there are about illegal immigrants' children.

I'm not a heartless person. I DO like children. But at what point do we Americans say ENOUGH!! The illegal immigrants are using their children against us. They know their children are their ace-in-the-hole. After all, who, with even an ounce of compassion, would turn away an innocent child?

We're caught between a rock and a hard place. We don't want to punish innocent children who really have no control over their fate. But, on the other hand, we cannot allow the illegals to continue to use their children as a bargaining tool.

Does ANYBODY here have any viable answers to how we stop this unfair ploy the illegals use to gain access to American citizens' money? I would really like to hear some reasonable ideas on how we can fight this.

This aspect of illegal immigration is what I am MOST passionate about. Because if it weren't for the illegals' inordinately high breeding rate, and the high numbers of children they use as shields against deportation and prosecution, we might be winning this battle much faster.

For any of you who are as passionate about this as I am, civil discussion is welcome.